ANST-Announce - FW: ARN - To all Ansteorran youth rapier, a challenge

Elisabeth Zakes ezakes at
Thu Apr 5 05:39:55 PDT 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Erin Houchin [mailto:rapiers_thrust at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:38 PM
To: ansteorra-rapier at; cadetscorner at;
owner-western at
Subject: ARN - To all Ansteorran youth rapier, a challenge

This message is addressed to all Ansteorran youth rapier fighters.
The 28th of this month (April) Bonwicke is hosting Champions de la Croix.
Our illustrious Baron and Baroness have created a baronial defender position
for the winner of the youth rapier tourney.  I, alas, am the only youth
rapier fighter in Bonwicke, and I am seeking competition for the title.
However, when I posted on the Western Region list earlier, I received no
response, which concerns me.  Are there simply no more youth rapier out
there, or did they not heed my challenge?  Whichever the case, I am issuing
the challenge again.  If you are youth rapier and can or wish to attend
Champions de la Croix ( and will fight
with me in the tourney, e-mail me off the list at rapiers_thrust at
an! d accept this challenge! The gauntlet has been thrown, the challenge
issued, will you accept?
Eleazar Harrington

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