GE - Mattius

William de Clare rigali at
Sat Apr 7 11:48:07 PDT 2001

Hey Pork,

     If she had such a bummer week, don't worry about the Bar-B-Que. You
should do something more romantic or just fun that revolves strictly around
her. Like tonight - why don't you go rent some of her favorite videos or
ones she really wants to see. Make her a hot soothing/relaxing buble bath
with candle light and soft music. While she's busy doing that make her diner
(No Hamburger Helper). Take some pillows and blankets to the front room and
have a cuddle-fest while watching the videos. Use your imagination. The
wildflowers are in bloom take her on a picnic tomorrow or horseback riding.
Huntsville State Park has stables, they have a web site. Just enjoy
eachothers company. This Canton is very active there'll be plenty to do next
weekend. Whelp, I'ma on me way to Eadric's hood, on the Upper West Side.

We'll catch up some time this week,
William de Clare
Legion of the Sable Star

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