GE - Food Census/Allergies

Stephen Macthomas macthomas at
Mon Apr 9 13:36:47 PDT 2001

Seren, once again you show your wisdom.

On going back and reading what I wrote, it does rather appear nonchalant about being informed about serious allergies that our friends might have.  I agree, these are things that are important for people to know when entertaining, and I'm sorry for coming across that way.  Seren, of course, has the best idea: share the info, whether it's dealing with allergies or preferences, and do with it what you will.

Stephen, who's processing the pig stash sainthood paperwork on Iaen's behalf (hi Mom!)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Margaret Nanny 
  To: gatesedge at 
  Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 12:45 PM
  Subject: Re: GE - Food Census/Allergies

  I think it is wise for those concerned to communicate and keep in mind the serious allergies our friends might have due to foods, balms, smells, etc. that our friends might encounter at SCA events, guilds, and get togethers.  Each person who receives that info, should keep or discard that info as they see fit.

  Other wise I say trying to find out everyone's favorite this or that is a mute point since the fact is you can't please everyone. If there's someone in particular whom you'd like to please, then ask them specifically what their preferences are.

  I for one would be interested in knowing the serious allergies had by the people I care about, if they are open to share that info., so I can accomodate them as best as possible when I plan to share food items or open my home to them.

  Just my 2 cents worth,

  Toodles for now, Seren

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