GE - Over the Edge Lady Adelecia

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Wed Apr 25 02:36:30 PDT 2001

  Just a quickie to let you know that I still do get to read my e-mail once 
in a while. I just got in from the hospital{9:10} and thought that I would 
let you know the latest on my Lady Adelicia.
  They had to put a feeding tube in her stomach last friday. It was not 
doing the job,so they decided to do something different today. She went into 
surgery at 9:50 am. Came out to recovery at 1:45pm. They had to remove the 
old{?}fedder tube and put in a larger one. Inside this larger tube they put 
a smaller one. This is so they can feed her in the smaller tube and vacuum 
out the residual from her stomach with the big one.
  She was back in her room at about 3:pm. She was awake and fairly alert. 
Thet started to give her medicines as soon as they got her off the gurney. 
They were feeding her{liquid} at 6:15. Her arms are really swollen fron 
water retention. Hope they can do some thing about that tonight.
  Keep us in you thoughts
         Lord Talmon& Lady Adelicia.

>From: "Kealani Brown" <KealaniBrown at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: <gatesedge at>
>Subject: GE - Over the Edge
>Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 13:28:43 -0500
>Hello from your Chronicler!
>It's that time again......
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