GE - Iron Seamstress/sewing guild

Georgia gritn_tx at
Tue Apr 3 22:29:08 PDT 2001

Thank you one and all for the reassurance... I was
getting a bit paniky. I only ment that if I were left
to my own devises and we showed up at MSF not "Period
Perfect" I didn't figure we'd be asked to leave.

I have been pulling as many examples of Byzantine
women off the net as I can and have a couple of
library books oc historical costuming that have some
good plates. And I've been studying the history as
well as researching names.

I think that with the groups advise and consent we
have settled on appropriate names and persona
background for the two of us. But there is much to be
done if we are to make a decent showing at MSF. We are
going to need help and support.

Thanks for the encouragement. April and I are both
very excited about being part of the Society and
looking forward to a long and mutually gratifying 

Georgia and Evantia 
of Constantinople and Romania
Traders in Rare Spices

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