[Gatesedge] More about Gate's Edge at Yule

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at houston.rr.com
Thu Dec 6 15:13:49 PST 2001

I have a long white table cloth some where around here........ I'll see if I
can dig it out.

-----Original Message-----
From: gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org
[mailto:gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of tegangwyllt
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 11:45 AM
To: gatesedge at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Gatesedge] More about Gate's Edge at Yule

Hello again,

I am making a request for table linens.  If you have a table
cloths or table coverings of any sort that would match with the
blue/silver/white table decorations that we have, please bring
them.  From my count we have just shy of 30 people sitting
together.  That means that we're going to need a pretty big
expanse of table.  Signy has already volunteered to bring a fairly
long light blue table cloth, but we will need more.  If you have
something that you can bring, please contact me and let me know so
I will know what we've got to work with.

In Service,

Sent via the EV1 webmail system at mail.ev1.net

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