GE - Seneschal applicants

Michael Tucker michaelt at
Fri Feb 9 14:34:38 PST 2001

Greetings from Michael Silverhands,
Coastal Regional Seneschal:

Lord Stephen MacThomas will be stepping down as seneschal of Gate's Edge at the
end of this month. I have received two applications for the position, one from
Jennifer Mittelstaedt (Lady Gwynafwy Sinclaire) and one from Caroyln Young (Lady
Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead (the Celt)).

I will continue to accept applications for the position until Gate's Edge
populace meeting on the 12th of this month (3 days from now). I will make my
decision known by the Gate's Edge business meeting on the 26th of this month.

If you wish to apply, you still have time! :-)

It's a hard job, but a very rewarding one. You'll learn more about the SCA, your
friends, human nature, and yourself than you would believe. You usually hold the
position for at least one year, with the possibility of serving a second year.
You must have a phone and a current membership in the SCA. You are strongly
encouraged to have email, but it is not required. A level head, a compassionate
nature, and a thick skin are *definite* bonuses.

You may send applications via regular mail or email (with regular mail to
follow). I need to know your legal name, your SCA name, your membership number
(and expiration date), and a brief explanation of why you would like to hold the
office. If you can't get it on one page, you're oversharing. :-)

My mailing address is:
Michael Tucker
4803 Tenderwood
Houston, TX 77041

Please send your applications to me, with courtesy copies to Stephen, HL Signy
Gandolvsdottir and Their Excellencies Godwin and Lissa (their addresses are in
Over the Edge, The Two Towers, and at <>). If you
have any other questions, feel free to contact me.

Many thanks to Stephen for the work he has done, and to Gwynafwy and Caitlin for
stating their willingness to do the job.

Yours in service,
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