ANST-Announce - OT from a fellow Ansteorrian in need

Erin james.crocker at
Wed Feb 21 21:39:27 PST 2001


I am sorry to post this here, because it is VERY off topic.  I Cait O'Hara from
Loch Ruadh.  My cousin has been missing for a week now and I very conscerned for
her well-being.  I told my aunt that I would explore all avenues available to me
in order to find her.
Here is her story.

Her name is April Johnson and she is 13 years old.  She was last seen in the
North Richland Hills area of Fort Worth.  She was last seen with her boyfriend
on Saturday, February 17th.  She had a fight with her mother and ran out the
back door of the boy's house.  Her mother chased her but lost her.  She has not
been seen or heard from since.  We are also looking in the Dallas area.  A
friend of hers may have taken her there.  I don't have her vital statistics as
of yet.  I will post them tomorrow.  If any one has any information on her,
please feel free to email me at:
james.crocker at
My mundane name is Sonja Crocker.  Thank you for your attention.

In Service,

Ly Cait O'Hara
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