[Gatesedge] Rescheduled pool party

Pam Kendrick pkendrick at houston.rr.com
Fri Jun 15 06:43:29 PDT 2001

Unto the Canton of Gate's Edge does Ly Damask De Bier and Heinrich
Wolfsattel sends greetings and hopes for your continued health, good fortune
and dryness.

An evil wind blew too much water onto our fields and homes, thus ending our
prosperity for the summer.  Crops and livestock were washed away, not to
mention the greatest losses of books, carpet, furniture and transportational

However, we will not be made to suffer, we must laugh in the face of this
adversity by eating, drinking, and general merry making.  We will open our
gates to the good people of the Canton on Saturday July 14th at 2 PM. Our
most exceptional MSF feast-o-crat has kindly offered to bring a brisket and
some gazpacho to our fete, so prepare, bring your bathing clothes (mundane
as the neighbors already think we are strange), the beverage of your choice
and a side dish, so that we may enjoy a delicious repast.

I have posted directions on the Cantons calendar, please join our

I remain in service,

Ly Damask

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