[Gatesedge] Re: Pavillion

Talmon Parker tt_ann at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 13 17:30:05 PDT 2001

We have nothing to fear but fear itself. I feel like a newbe myself. To be
out of touch virturly for 8 months,you tend to let the cantons stuff slide,
As for remembering you, I find it hard to forget you and your family. It's
good to have you back.   Lord Talmon

>From: "Kelly Rhodes" <corsair at concentric.net>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at ansteorra.org
>To: <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: [Gatesedge] Re: Pavillion
>Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 14:56:56 -0500
>Gosh, I am so newly returned that I should probably stay quiet, but I just
>had to agree with Lady Guenievre:
> >>I have not been in the Canton long   (less than two years)   so I can
>speak for how old the pavilion is or what has gone on in the past but, I
>say how it is to have a multitude of items and work to take care of and be
>on limited man power since I own and operate a farm.<<
>I can second this as part-owner of an assisted living facility. Caring for
>our elderly residents is a 24-hour a day, 365-day a year job, and even with
>my staff helping there's always more to be done. I know just how hard it is
>to get any time for outside activities, and the folks who volunteer for the
>Canton are definitely going above and beyond. They seem tireless.
>I am chairperson for the local chapter of a female pilots' group, and I
>firsthand that there is always a core of people who work their tails off,
>and are the folks you can depend on to 'get the job done'. Coming back into
>the SCA in general and GE in particular, I see a core of people working
>hard (some of them the same folks I remember from years back) and I've been
>totally impressed by what they're doing. Wow, has this group grown!
> >>The members of the Canton  "VOLUNTEER"  their time and money and get no
>reward except for when we say "Thank-You".<<
>Absolutely! That's the only reward volunteers get, aside from the pure
>enjoyment of participation in the organization and its activities. I humbly
>say a big 'thank you!' to the people who have smoothed by re-entry into the
>SCA here, and have welcomed me back, and made my first 're-event' at MSF
>such a pleasant one.
>As for the pavillion, I was a member back during the days when the
>was being decided upon; I well recall the care with which it was discussed.
>It was such a big purchase and so carefully selected that I have no doubt
>the members did their best to maintain it over the years. But of course
>means it must still be maintained and I have certainly contributed nothing
>toward that myself. I plan to remedy this laxity on my part.
> >>I hope that the message that everyone got at the meeting was the same
>that I received---and that is that we ALL need to pitch in more help and
>leave the dreary duties of clean up to only a few dedicated die hard
>Exactly, and mea culpa, I haven't done a thing since I've been back. It's
>time for me to volunteer even in some small way. If the same people--that
>dedicated core--are the ones who time and again bear the brunt of the load,
>they eventually tire and fall away. New blood is essential.
> >>I think we all just need to organize and work within different
>individual's schedules. I am sure that there are others like me that could
>provide extra help if it were " OFF SCHEDULE ".<<
>As the slave of a funky schedule myself, I have to agree here as well. I
>know that sometimes even offering space for storage or meetings is a help,
>and that *is* something I can do (once I get this ceiling fixed!)
> >>I know this message is too long but, I want to add that----I LOVE OUR
>CANTON " GATE'S EDGE "   !!!    For those who have not seen or experienced
>the SCA outside our Canton let me tell you WE ARE BLESSED !!<<
>I heartily agree. I was scared spitless to return, knowing that I left
>abruptly and badly--
>***for which I offer a public apology to everyone that I
>left in the lurch!***
>--but I've been happily surprised by the friendly welcome I have received.
>have to give special thanks to Lady Seren and Lord Bowen for their
>kindness and courtesy to a not-so-new newcomer!
>Evelun Lambert
>(hey, I finally picked a name!)
>Kelly Rhodes
>Visit the Happy Bottom Flying Club
>'We who fly do so for the love of flying. We are alive in the
>air with this miracle that lies in our hands and beneath our feet.'
>              -Cecil Lewis, WWI ace
>Gatesedge mailing list
>Gatesedge at ansteorra.org

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