[Gatesedge] Re: Pavillion

Carolyn Young Carolyn.Young at goodmanmfg.com
Thu Jun 14 08:52:46 PDT 2001

Hi Evelun,

Ok, how do you pronounce that, 'EVE lun' or Ev lun'?

What makes you think that you can keep quiet when everyone else is giving
their opinion? <grin>

Just because you're 'new' doesn't mean you can't put in your two cents also.
Sometimes the best insights come from fresh eyes.  It is often difficult, if
not impossible, to step back and look at your group objectively, but that is
just what every group should do periodically.  I am glad that you, as well
as the others, see us in such a positive light.

As for leaving "abruptly and badly"... Abruptly?  Yes, there were a number
of us who were worried about you.  Badly?  No, all of us understand (or
should) family takes precedence over 'hobbies'.  Few, if any, had email back
then so it was much more difficult to keep in touch during crises of any
sort (you can email friends at 2 in the morning with an update; it's
considered bad form to phone at that time).  I am just glad you decided to
come back at all.  I wish I could have played with your dog at MSF, but I
was up to my elbows getting food done and I didn't think people would
appreciate doggy hair in their soup.  He/she is gorgeous.
Anyway, welcome back.


Carolyn Young
MIS Department
Goodman Mfg.
713.861.2500  ext 425

-----Original Message-----
From: Kelly Rhodes [mailto:corsair at concentric.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 2:57 PM
To: gatesedge at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Gatesedge] Re: Pavillion

Gosh, I am so newly returned that I should probably stay quiet, but I just
had to agree with Lady Guenievre:

>>I have not been in the Canton long   (less than two years)   so I can not
speak for how old the pavilion is or what has gone on in the past but, I can
say how it is to have a multitude of items and work to take care of and be
on limited man power since I own and operate a farm.<<

I can second this as part-owner of an assisted living facility. Caring for
our elderly residents is a 24-hour a day, 365-day a year job, and even with
my staff helping there's always more to be done. I know just how hard it is
to get any time for outside activities, and the folks who volunteer for the
Canton are definitely going above and beyond. They seem tireless.

I am chairperson for the local chapter of a female pilots' group, and I know
firsthand that there is always a core of people who work their tails off,
and are the folks you can depend on to 'get the job done'. Coming back into
the SCA in general and GE in particular, I see a core of people working very
hard (some of them the same folks I remember from years back) and I've been
totally impressed by what they're doing. Wow, has this group grown!

>>The members of the Canton  "VOLUNTEER"  their time and money and get no
reward except for when we say "Thank-You".<<

Absolutely! That's the only reward volunteers get, aside from the pure
enjoyment of participation in the organization and its activities. I humbly
say a big 'thank you!' to the people who have smoothed by re-entry into the
SCA here, and have welcomed me back, and made my first 're-event' at MSF
such a pleasant one.

As for the pavillion, I was a member back during the days when the pavillion
was being decided upon; I well recall the care with which it was discussed.
It was such a big purchase and so carefully selected that I have no doubt
the members did their best to maintain it over the years. But of course that
means it must still be maintained and I have certainly contributed nothing
toward that myself. I plan to remedy this laxity on my part.

>>I hope that the message that everyone got at the meeting was the same one
that I received---and that is that we ALL need to pitch in more help and not
leave the dreary duties of clean up to only a few dedicated die hard

Exactly, and mea culpa, I haven't done a thing since I've been back. It's
time for me to volunteer even in some small way. If the same people--that
dedicated core--are the ones who time and again bear the brunt of the load,
they eventually tire and fall away. New blood is essential.

>>I think we all just need to organize and work within different
individual's schedules. I am sure that there are others like me that could
provide extra help if it were " OFF SCHEDULE ".<<

As the slave of a funky schedule myself, I have to agree here as well. I
know that sometimes even offering space for storage or meetings is a help,
and that *is* something I can do (once I get this ceiling fixed!)

>>I know this message is too long but, I want to add that----I LOVE OUR
CANTON " GATE'S EDGE "   !!!    For those who have not seen or experienced
the SCA outside our Canton let me tell you WE ARE BLESSED !!<<

I heartily agree. I was scared spitless to return, knowing that I left
abruptly and badly--

***for which I offer a public apology to everyone that I
left in the lurch!***

--but I've been happily surprised by the friendly welcome I have received. I
have to give special thanks to Lady Seren and Lord Bowen for their unfailing
kindness and courtesy to a not-so-new newcomer!

Evelun Lambert
(hey, I finally picked a name!)

Kelly Rhodes
Visit the Happy Bottom Flying Club
'We who fly do so for the love of flying. We are alive in the
air with this miracle that lies in our hands and beneath our feet.'
             -Cecil Lewis, WWI ace

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