GE - Business Meeting Minutes March

Phillip Toland p.toland at
Tue Mar 27 16:02:59 PST 2001

Business meeting Minutes from March 26

Officers' Reports
	Hospitaler- Lord Bowen
		Newcomers will be the third Thursday in April at Robin's house and will be
on making felt.

	Knight Marshal- Lord Bowen
		Fighter practices Sunday continue to grow, last week they had 4 fighters.

	Herald- Lady Seren
		Working with some folks on documentation for names, heraldic 		stuff for
Mid Summer is covered, possibly will have a 			heraldic table if visiting
heralds want

	Archery- Baron Talmon (absent) Lord Eadric presenting report
		Next practice April 7 at Eadric's shoot early then help with 		Canton
clean up.
		Lots of discussion at Red Tape concerning problems with 			combat archery
at war.  New standards and guidelines are in 		the works.  Contact Eadric
for more details.

	Reeve- Milady Cynthia
		Canton in good standings, the check for site will go out to 		the Girl
Scout camp for Mid Summer Faire

	Chatelaine- Lady Gwynafwy
		Canton clean up day April 7 at Eadric's rain date April 28 			at Annes.
Bring cleaning tools cleaners themselves will be 		provided.  Don't forget
an inventory list of any canton 			stuff you have.  Also prize donations for
Mid Summer will be 		collected at this time.

	Minister of Arts and Sciences- Milady Kvinne
		Insignia guild will be starting in Stargate weaving Iris 			ribbons,
contact HL Annes for more details

		Beading Guild had 5 people in attendance on March 23; they 			made wine
goblet bracelets

		Sewing Guild will be April 12 from 7-9:15pm, it will be an 			Iron
Seamstress loaner garb challenge.

		Casting/Armoring Guild had first meeting on the 25 of March, 		next
meeting is April 8 and Kvinne and Tyr's.

		Brewing Guild reports that brewing is happening in the 			Canton, if you
want to brew contact Lord Ciaran

		Herbalist Guild by appointment with Annes

	Rapier Marshal- Lord Ciaran
		Demo at Museum was a success. Practices continue Wednesdays 		7:30pm in
The Woodlands

	Minister of Children- Lady Caelainn
		Children made cards for Adelicia at the March populace 			meeting.  In
April we will do modified Psanky (Ukrainian 			Easter Eggs).

	Chronicler- Lady Linnet (absent)

	Historian- Baroness Adelicia (absent)
		Adelicia is back in the Tombal hospital room 378 with 			pneumonia

	Equestrian Marshal- Lady Guenevere (absent)

	Seneschal- LAdy Caitlin
		There is a demo at Montgomery Middle School Friday May 18th 		being
organized by Ravens Fort. Notify Bowen if you would 			like to attend.

		Graywood received the bid for Kings College.

		Mr. Bill is under going surgery again in April and as a 			result Caitlin
will be scarce.  If you need to reach 	her 			try emailing her at
carolyn.young at or 				mrbill at or contact her deputy
		gwyn_26 at

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