GE - Business Meeting Minutes from February
Phillip Toland
p.toland at
Tue Mar 27 16:11:40 PST 2001
Minutes from the February business meeting:
Sorry these are so late in coming had problem with my computer...
Officers' Reports
Archery Marshal- Baron Talmon
Next practice is March 10th at Eadric 11-4pm
Minister of Arts and Sciences- Milady Kvinne (absent)
Sewing the second Thursday
Possibly a metal working guild starting soon
Chatelaine- Lady Gwynafwy
Clean up scheduled for April 7 at Eadric's rain date April 28 at HL
Please bring a detailed list of any stuff you have that belongs to the
canton including supplies and resources of each office.
Minister of Children- Lady Caelainn
Working on activities for Mid Summer Faire, children's activities
continue at meetings
Chronicler- Lady Linnet (absent)
Equestrian Marshal- Lady Guenevere (absent)
Herald- Lady Seren (absent)
Heraldic Symposium to be held in July contact Stephen for more info
Historian- Baroness Adelicia (absent)
Adelicia is in a nursing home progress is day to day, stop by if you
get a chance
Hospitaler- Lord Bowen (absent)
No newcomers meeting in March due to War
Knight Marshal- Lord Bowen (absent)
War practice scheduled for Ash Wednesday was cancelled, weekly
practices continue at Mu's.
Rapier Marshal- Lord Ciaran
We have a demo March 12 at Museum of Fine Art, our silent auction at
Winter Collegium was a success. Practices continue Wednesday's in The
Reeve- Laird Sean (stepping down) Milady Cynthia (incoming)
Canton remains in good financial standing.
Virtual Scribe- Lord Eadric
Put events on the calendar
Old Business
Gulf War X - Just two weeks away, as a result populace will be the third
Monday in March
Mid Summer Faire-
Coordinators need to send Eadric a short email letting him know what
you are planning, will need a write up for the event booklet by May 1.
If you need money to purchase supplies for the event contact Eadric.
Site fee will be $6 and feast will be $6. Site is open from 4pm Friday
June 1 through 2pm Sunday June 3.
Prizes are needed contact Gwyn for details.
New Business
Winnie the Pu would like us to do a demo for Ampguard, mid April at one
of their events. Stay tune for more info.
Upcoming Events being planned
Crown Tourney- Lady Damask
Kingdom A&S- Lord Stephen
Seneschal's Report- Lord Stephen
Populace will be the third Monday in March due to War.
Stargate has cancelled their spring event instead they are having a work
Officers please send reports to Regional and copy baronial counterpart as
well as the Seneschal.
Lady Caitlin nan Cnoc Airgead is the new seneschal of Gate's Edge. Lady
Gwynafwy is her deputy.
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