[Gatesedge] domesday updates

Kathleen MacLaughlen kathleen_maclaughlen at ansteorra.net
Wed Aug 14 15:18:35 PDT 2002

Looks like I get to go from member to friend of GE...

Just in case you didn't have my information:

Kathleen MacLaughlen
mka Liz Baker
7707 Copano Dr
Austin, TX 78749
voice heraldry, bardic (vocal, flute), sewing, being "Kat, the ever helpful"


Kathleen MacLaughlen newly of Bryn Gwlad,
formerly of Gate's Edge

mka Liz Baker

Minstrel (I do not presume to be a Bard just yet!)
sometime-Herald (hey, I have a loud, carrying voice)
Whatever-needs-doing person

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