[Gatesedge] Mini-Tourney At Raven's Fort, Jan 27

Paul Gilbert niklas at pbgilbert.net
Sun Jan 20 17:32:22 PST 2002


The Barony of Raven's Fort will be holding a mini-tourney, next Sunday, Jan
27 in Raven's Fort.

All interested persons are invited. This is a for fun, no-feast, no-fee
tourney....battle at the barrier.

Please see announcement below as presented by HE Brian du Val......

Good day to all who read these words.

For the entertainment of the Gallery a test of skill and stamina at the
Barrier will be held at the Gazebo on the twenty seventh day of this month.
This Sunday at the Gazebo on the corner of nineteenth St. and Ave. O at the
second hour of the afternoon the Barony will be holding its monthly tourney
for the entertainment of all who wish to be our guests.

This tourney will be a Pas de Arms style with the Gallery in the gazebo
choosing its combatants. The fine Lady Klare of the Misty Val will help
host the Gallery and prizes for deeds on the field will be awarded in the
presence of Their Excellencies of Raven's Fort ,Niklas and Kezia at the
forth hour of the afternoon.

Please bring your most comfortable pillow, your favorite (legal) libation
and your most fashionable attire. Banners and Liveries are needed so please
be sure to bring them to display. A prize of one ash shield and one leather
pouch has been donated, with more to come.

A largess table with hot water for cocoa and tea will be available if the
weather is cool.   :o)

                                                Thank you

                                                H.E. Brian du Val      :o)

                 Data Marketing Associates, Inc.  |  Houston, Texas
                         pgilbert at datamktg.com  |  281-579-2995
Paul Gilbert,   KE5ZW                   H.E. Niklas Vasilevich,
Huntsville, Texas                       Baron of The Barony Raven's Fort
niklas at pbgilbert.net                    CSM, Crane, ORH, KGA , AoA
936-291-9532 home                       Kingdom of Ansteorra
936-581-5632 cellular                   Society for Creative Anachronism

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