[Gatesedge] Calling all thespians--ah, hams, that is!

Stephen Macthomas macthomas at ev1.net
Sun Jan 27 07:26:38 PST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Debbie Spangler" <paperdol at wt.net>
Subject: [Gatesedge] Calling all thespians--ah, hams, that is!

> I would like to put on a short Mummer's Play at Gate's Edge's Pestilence
> Ball. I've gotten Lady Damask's go-ahead. Mummer's Play--what's that--as
> mummys running around on stage? No, but it is a zany, vaudeville-like
> play that was common at least during the Elizabethan times and possibly
> before. It needs no background, no elaborate costumes, just a few props.
> lines are short and in verse (easy to remember).
> I NEED 9 MEN AND 1 YOUTH (ABOUT AGED 10-12). Sorry ladies, women weren't
> allowed to be in plays then.

Performing arts, did you say?  Zaniness, did you say?  No background, did
you say?  Easy to, uh ... well, there was a point I was planning to make
there ... anyway ... Signy, count me in.

I would also challenge others in our fair Canton to join me in this
endeavor, especially those that have never "acted" in public before.  In
some ways, all of what we do in the SCA is performing arts - we develop a
persona and portray it before others - so this is really just a short step
for all of us.  Entertaining others is a very worthwhile thing, and it's
extremely rewarding.  How many of us act the fool whenever there's a small
child about to bring a smile to a young face?  How many do things at events
that would be out of their mundane element because "that's what our persona
would have done?"  It's understood that the performance is to be
vaudevillian, so no one's expecting a polished performance.  What is
expected is that everyone involved - performers and audience alike - has

Signy has issued the cattle call.  I say, as men of parts, we of Gate's Edge
must answer the call.  Moo.

Leaving the bad cow puns to the others on the list (and you know who you
are), I remain yours.

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