[Gatesedge] Way too cool news - OT response

Stephen Macthomas macthomas at houston.rr.com
Thu Jun 20 12:37:58 PDT 2002

Mattias says ...

> You forgot to post your miticlorian(sp) count... that
> way we could all know if your a real jedi or not :)

First thing I thought was "Look Geppetto, I'm a *real* Jedi now!"  So
keeping that in mind ...

Top 10 ways to tell if you're a real Jedi:

10)    You respond to "Honey, get me a beer" by opening the fridge, taking a
beer out and hitting him in the head with it ... and you stay in the shower
the whole time.

9)    The Jedi Academy sends enough acceptance letters to your uncle's house
to drive the whole family to a deserted island in the middle of a sto ...
whoops, sorry, wrong cultural phenomenon.

8)    Your teachers, though wizened and vastly experienced in all manner of
peoples, sentient species, and the like ... master simple English grammar
they cannot, hm?

7)    The wooden stick you used as a light saber suddenly starts to cut the
furniture in half.  (Don't tell me you didn't do this when you were a kid, I
did ...)

6)    The medical droids accept Lucasfilm insurance whenever you get banged

5)    You know that Jedi mind tricks should never be used on gullible drunks
in the local bar ... then again ...

4)    You're older than 11 years old, and you still see dead people.

3)    You learned "hand for a hand" morality from your father.

2)    You find the term "Jedi" to be stereotypical and prefer the term
"midichlorian-enhanced individual"

And the number one way to tell if you're a real Jedi ...

1)    The man that made you calls you Pinocchiobi-wan.

Stephen, who couldn't resist

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