[Gatesedge] Charter Painting
Bob Galley
midgarn at houston.rr.com
Thu Mar 21 11:37:56 PST 2002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gatesedge-admin at ansteorra.org On Behalf Of Natasha Storfer
> Subject: [Gatesedge] Charter Painting
> Greetings Everyone!
> This is just a friendly reminder that Charter Painting
> will be at our house this Sunday afternoon (March
> 24th). It was posted as being in the 31st at one
> point, but we will be celebrating Easter that day.
As a preliminary guess, we will likely show up in the later hours (around
5ish), as in the early afternoon I'll be helping to strike the set at
Theatre Suburbia so we can start practicing with our real set. (Oh yeah,
I'm cast in Suburbia's next production, _The Diviners_, and with me off to
nighttime rehearsals it's limited both my and Aicelina's participation this
month.) This of course presumes that I haven't forgotten anything else that
we've already scheduled. :)
Nikolaos Galatos (tentative last name.. surely something on the net names
all 14 of Constantinople's districts. :)
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