[Gatesedge] Re: [Ansteorra] Mini Tourney at Ravens Fort

Paul Gilbert niklas at pbgilbert.net
Tue Mar 19 15:55:06 PST 2002

Directions to the Gazebo in Raven's Fort.......

Located at the intersection of Ave O and 19th Street. Next door to the
Walker Education center of the Sam Houston Museum.

Come into Huntsville on Hwy 30. Travel to the main downtown square. Turn
right onto Hwy 75 south. Travel to the stop light at Hwy 75 (also known as
Sam Houston Ave) and 19th street. Turn right, travel west till you see the

 From the south, take Hwy 75 from I-45 into Huntsville. Travel till you
reach intersection of Hwy 75/Sam Houston Ave and 19th street. Turn left.
Travel till you see the Gazebo.

Good luck and good fighting.....

HE Niklas
Baron Raven's Fort

Posted by Lord Balda The Hornswoggled, Knight Marshal of Ravens Fort

>To those that want some. There will be a mini-tourney held at the gazebo
>in Huntsville Texas
>on March 24 2002 at 2pm The mini-tourney will be held in a bear pit fashion.
>All who come to fight must have a fighter card that is current or be
>willing to fill out and sign a release form, also please bring your
>membership card.  Isobail will be creating a database of this information.
>So if you want some come and get it. I'll try to have plenty for every one.
>Lord Balda The Hornswoggled
>Of Clan Cadhlafitheach
>Knight Marshal of Ravens Fort

                 Data Marketing Associates, Inc.  |  Houston, Texas
                         pgilbert at datamktg.com  |  281-579-2995
Paul Gilbert,   KE5ZW                   H.E. Niklas Vasilevich,
Huntsville, Texas                       Baron of The Barony Raven's Fort
niklas at pbgilbert.net                    CSM, Crane, ORH, KGA , AoA
936-291-9532 home                               Kingdom of Ansteorra
936-581-5632 cellular                           Society for Creative
                               AIM Name: KE5ZW

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