[Gatesedge] Combat Archery

john moore iaenmor at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 21 11:37:07 PDT 2003

yep she post this every year on the Ansteorran missle combat list.  I still 
find it funny.

Iaen Mor
Gates Edge

>From: "Young, Carolyn" <Carolyn.Young at goodmanmfg.com>
>Reply-To: "Canton of Gate's Edge - SCA, Inc." <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
>To: "Gate's Edge List (E-mail)" <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
>Subject: [Gatesedge] Combat Archery
>Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 11:52:11 -0500
>I don't know how many of you are on the Ansteorran list so I thought I'd
>pass this little piece from Countess Octavia on here.
>Combat Archery - On A Lighter Note
>Well, its that time of the year again.  The weather is starting to cool 
>(maybe) and the roars and grunts of the fighters can be heard echoing
>through the woods and fields.  Once again it is archery season.  I have put
>together a few tips for those of you hunting these extraordinary creatures
>for the first time.
>1. Baiting: the use of object/s to encourage your prey to come to you.
>	a)	Heavy Fighters: The best bait for these massive animals is
>the use of decoys.  They cannot seem to resist the clashing and banging
>around of their own kind.  When they see other fighters fighting, they tend
>to rush headlong to join them.  If you don't have access to such decoys, 
>spreading some bright shiny objects around such as stainless steel 
>or a shiny helm; using long pieces of rattan is also effective.  Heavy
>fighters are drawn to such things as these.
>	b)	Light fighters: Oh, the rare and elusive light fighter.  We
>usually don't hunt these graceful creatures because of their rarity.  They
>don't seem drawn to the noise of others fighting so I have not found that 
>effectively bait them into range.  One must use other objects to entice
>them.  The use of a few yards of expensive trim or lace seems to work.  
>always does the job though, is the sight of very sharp, fancy clothing.
>This approach has never failed me yet.
>2. Choosing Your Hunting Terrain: have a working knowledge of the terrain
>you will be hunting in.
>	a)	Open field: The open fields are the most common area to find
>both heavy and light game.  This is the area they prefer to engage in their
>ritual combat.  Because of the lack of ready cover, an archer must stay
>alert and on their toes at all times.  Being spotted by one of these fierce
>creatures can be dangerous.
>	b)	Bridges: For some unknown reason, Heavy fighters tend to
>gather at bridges.  They strive to reach the other side, pushing and
>fighting their way through.  Ironically, it doesn't seem to matter which
>side they start from, as long as they end up on the opposite bank.  It is
>here that we archers revel in the ease of the kill. Often it is too easy to
>bag your limit and only the fact that your quiver is empty do you stop.
>3. Types Of Archery Equipment: What tips to use, and when.
>	a)	There are, of course, a multitude of tips available this
>season, the Markland, Thistle and several types of Baldar blunts.  We won't
>be discussing the disgusting golf tube thingies.  Remember, Heavy fighters
>are encased in an armor-like skin.  The thickness of this pelt varies with
>each individual.  I usually start with a fine Markland tip or perhaps a
>Balder blunt for average game.  I switch to my Thistle tips at close range,
>when I encounter thicker pelted fighters.  Often these massive animals are
>unable to feel that they are dying, stuck on the end of a wonderful shot.
>It is during these times, one should verbally remind them of this fact.
>Often a POLITE verbal reminder will do the job.
>	b)	** Special Note For The Lighter Game. Use only the foam
>covered Marklands to hunt this prey.  These animals tend to be VERY thin
>pelted and are usually easily damaged.
>4. Safety Tips: Or when to run like heck.
>	a)	A combat archer must ALWAYS be on their toes and aware of
>what is going on.  For some reason, most of the massive heavy prey hate
>archers on site and will go to extreme measures to kill us.  Upon sighting
>archery equipment, Heavy fighters tend to foam and fleck at the mouth, in a
>desperate attempt to stop us.  So be aware. One way to avoid such 
>when being chased by these lumbering mammoths is to run directly into
>another group of Heavies.  This tends to confuse the pursuing fighter and
>they usually stop to fight with the Heavies you are hiding among.
>	b)	 If you are caught out in the open with no means of escape,
>fall to the ground or your knees yelling "I YEILD".  This has two effects 
>these animals; first, they stop their headlong charge on you, and second,
>instead of whomping you, they tend to just tap you.  I don't know if the
>yelling or the falling to the ground confuses them.
>Well, These are all the tips I have for now.  The season is opening for a
>majority of us next weekend at Gothic Wars. Come on out if you can and go
>hunting with us.
>Countess Octavia
>I wrote the above piece about 5 years ago, it seems to be the perfect time
>to resurrect it (with a few minor changes), as the melee season is about to
>begin.  Ansteorra needs more combat archers, come on out and have a good
>Carolyn B. Young
>Goodman Mfg.
>IT - Branch Support
>713/861.2500 ext 425
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