[Gatesedge] Homemaker's Guild meeting moved!

Kelly Rhodes corsair at concentric.net
Wed Jan 22 14:06:10 PST 2003

Hello all you folks out there, and all the ships at sea:

This month's Homemaker's Guild will be held Sunday, 4-6 pm at Meyer Park in
conjunction with fighter practice. The subject will be 4-needle knitting,
taught by Lady Robine. She will also supply, er, supplies; donations will be
accepted. Garb is encouraged but not required. We will bring refreshments
and a 'door prize' though there will be no door in the vicinity.

We may just switch to this format permanently, because I have fond memories
of fighter practices turning into little mini-events, and drawing in
interested passers-by.

Regardless, this month's meeting  will not be held at Evelun's (aka my)
home. Show up there and you will be mildly disappointed at the lack of

Please feel free to mail me if you have any questions.

Hope to see y'all Sunday,
corsair at concentric.net

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