[Gatesedge] July Populace Meeting Minutes

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 18 06:26:08 PDT 2003

To the populace of Gate's Edge,

Once again, these minutes are available in word format
if requested.  Please let me know if you see any
irregularities.  Have a wonderful day!

In Service,
Natalia Auvert

Meeting Minutes for July Populace

New Folks
Allasandra, Brittney and Calum

Word Fame
*Eadric-Star of Merit
*Ian-Sable Crane
*Sir. Alexis-King’s Champion
*Dolphin-Apprentice to Mauve and Clarissa
*Scarlet Sisters-Won insignia competition for “group
*Giselle, Heinrich and Annes put great items into the
Gate’s Edge gift basket for crown
*Evelune, Fiametta, Robine, Sabine, Serin, Groa and
Natalia painted crown invitations
*Hugh, Mattius, and Dolphin worked hard at crown as
*Evelune’s birthday is today

Midsummer Faire
*Need prizes and volunteers.
Prizes we have
Bath Salts, beads, lantern set,5 tankards,5 wooden
bowls, Game box-for Children’s prize
*Most cooking will be done the week before the event
*Prep Thursday and Friday
*Call for canton or personal kitchen equipment Gisele
and Eadric mentioned serving platters and Eadric
mentioned pots that could be used that belonged to
them.  Robin volunteered to make a list to submit to
the financial committee
*Music-one volunteer currently.  Any others who wish
to provide tavern “atmosphere” are welcome.
*Call to general populace and people in charge of
individual aspects of the event to send announcements
to the lists.
*Robine cannot be contacted by email-call her by phone
if you need to speak with her.
*Rapier will be held during children’s activities. 

Cour d’Amour
*Date confirmed to stay Oct.10th.
*Elanor Fairchild, Hillary, Pippa, Catri and Don
Aaron’s wife mentioned as ladies gallery options.
*Equestrian-needs to be sent in 30 days in advance.
Sabine will do.
*Paper has been submitted to have wet site-Eadric will
follow up on.
(will be wet in period containers only-if wet)
*Coordinators are set.
*Planning meeting 2pm this Sunday.
green beans w/pearl onions
honey glazed chicken w/rosemary
herbed butter
*children’s champion at each event.
*No limit to number of entries in A&S-?need to ask

Canton Business
Storage unit-vote next month
Caitlin has priced 5 between $69 and $130

Annes-Submit herald wants named by August
Positions Accepting Applications
Herald-to Snorri asap
Hospitalor-will be named by Sept.
Water bearer- deadline sept. Populace

Shire Status
Email from Mistress Clarissa-will be
discussing/finalizing this weekend.
Goes to BOD, society seneschal, society president,
etc, before making public, but most people will be
present at King’s Round Table.

Godwin is building a new bead for the current crown. 
He is asking for donations.  Will be presented to
Godwin from the canton. 

Drummer’s guild cancelled this month
Herbalist-will have a walk-about looking for items.

Seerer’s guild-Pirates of the Caribbean->will discuss
date and time on list.

Scribal Guild-will become “Kingdom award” guild and
incorporate weaving, stitching, etc. to create all
manner of kingdom awards.

Serin - Stargate wants to pitch the use of Lancaster
Community Center.  They are asking for people for a
demo that is taking place the weekend of Queen’s
champion.  If you come out-weather you are not going
to the event of leaving the event early-it would be

Alden-Thrown Weapons
Costal Regional Thrown Weapons head (as of June.)
Accepting applications for local offices.
Authorization classes will be held at Cour d’Amour

Westgate Collegium
1 week after Midsummer faire
Basic theme is bardic
Caitlin is teaching sewing machine 101
Groa is teaching basic knitting

Gwen is Costal Regional Chronicler

Next year is society 25th year.  Might want to
consider fundraisers for next events.

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