[Gatesedge] Scrolls at Cour d' Amour

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 13 16:43:50 PDT 2003

To the Genteel Populace of Gate's Edge,

I hope everyone had a chance to see the beautiful
champion and 1st time bardic award scrolls presented
at the event!  If you were able to see them, I highly
encourage you to tell the artists know how much you
enjoyed them. Mistress Hilary, Lady Evelun, Lady
Serin, Lady Aylwin, and Lady Sabine put their hands to
the task and created WONDERS.  My most heartfelt
thanks and true artistic appreciation goes out to them

In Service,
Lady Natalia Auvert
Head of the Gate's Edge Scribal Guild

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