[Gatesedge] Water Bearing at Cour d'Amour

Natasha Storfer natashastorfer at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 13 16:46:15 PDT 2003

To the Great Populace of Gate's Edge,

What a wonderful event!  I had a great time, and I
hope you did as well.  Water bearing this year was
relaxing, mainly because of all the people who stepped
up to help out.

Lady Evelun not only provided the beautiful pavilion
that kept us cool, but also allowed the Shire to use
her coolers and brought the tasty pickles that we
enjoyed.  Lady Aylwin was the source of all things
sweet beneath the pavilion, including bananas, oranges
and Gatorade.  Mistress Hilary, who donated so much
time and energy to the event, brought coolers.  Lady?
Cindy took care of the entire archery community in a
spectacular spread of food and beverages.  Lord Brian
helped with a last-minute ice run when I could barely
lung another cooler.  Lord Trian helped me get water
to all the remote stations when he could be spared
from the list field.  Lady Gisele took time out of her
very busy day to make sure that the water bearer's
were fed from her ladies' pavilion.  A special extra
thanks to Mama Camy, who took wonderful care of the
fighters.  She worked ceaselessly all day!

Thank you all so much!  I have probably forgot
someone, since I received SO much assistance Saturday.
 For that, please accept me most sincere apologies. 
We have such a generous and industrious group.  You
are the reason I am so proud to call the Shire of
Gate's Edge my home.

In Service,
Lady Natalia Auvert

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