[Gatesedge] intro from Ceinwen

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 11:01:33 PDT 2004

> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 13:13:37 -0500
> From: "Valerie Williams" <digigirl1066 at lycos.com>
> Hello all!  I moved into the area in mid-March, but have only managed to make it to one populace
> meeting so far, so I figured I'd get on the list here and try to get to know a few people that
> way, instead.
> My name is Ceinwen, and I moved here from Caid (California). I've been in the SCA about 15
> years, but all of that was in Caid. My boyfriend is brand-spankin' new to the SCA (haven't even
> gotten him to his first event yet), but he's already picked a name - Dante.  We live in Cypress,
> with his 13 year old son Morgan. One of these days, after I get off my butt and make some
> clothes for Dante and Morgan, we'll make it out to an event here, but I'm hoping it will cool
> off first!! ;) 
> <snip>
> Ceinwen

Greetings Ceinwen, 
Don't know if your zip falls in to Gate's Edge, Stargate or Westgate, but as you are in Cypress,
there are lots of members living on the west/northwest side, playing with all three groups; you
may want to check out their lists and websites to keep up to date on activities near.  

*Lancaster Community Center has an arts night on Wednesdays, located at FM 529 between Barker
Cypress and Fry.   
*Westgate hosts A&S night at the home of Thomas and Kemma on 2nd and 4th Mondays, and they are
located at Fry south of Clay, we hold scribes night on the 4th Mondays; on 8/23 we'll begin
looking at Acanthus Leaves and start painting them in Sept.  
*Gates Edge scribes meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, at 1960 near TC Jester.   

When I visited Caid (sis lives there) was told most events are day-only that end around 6pm,
though Caid does some camping too.  Many events in Ansteorra will hold a dinner-feast, then folks
head home around 8-9pm.  We tend to consider a 3-hour away event a 'day-trip'.  Also, there will
probably be more camping than you are familiar with; but so much goes on in the local area, you
can still event without camping till you guys are geared up for it.  Though I hardly camp anymore
these days...getting old and slow.  

All in all, you will have fun exploring the different kingdom customs and habits.  
Welcome, Hillary 

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