[Gatesedge] Releases for the Historian
D. Vandever
hlannes at ev1.net
Sun Feb 8 13:44:40 PST 2004
Thank you, Your Excellency. I knew I could count on you. At the moment, I
have a call into HL Alexander, Kingdom chronicler, to ask if the releases
given by the autor/artist are sufficient for publication on a historian's
page or if I need a separate release just for the electronic stuff. I will
keep you posted as to his answer.
Your Friend,
Dear God, Help me to be the person
my dog thinks I am. Amen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Talmon Parker" <tt_ann at hotmail.com>
To: <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: [Gatesedge] Releases for the Historian
> Hi Kiddo!!!
> About a year or so ago I signed a release for all of Anns articles and
> drawings that had been published in all of the news letters of the ,at
> time, canton. It was given at a populus meeting and was supposed to cover
> both Anns and also my contributions to the over the edge .It should be in
> the stuff that the chronicler has. If that is not enough then get me some
> forms and I will invent some fictional stuff for your records.
> Talmon....
> >From: "D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net>
> >Reply-To: "D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net>, "Shire of Gate's Edge -
> >SCA,Inc." <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
> >To: <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>, "Stargate list" <stargate at ansteorra.org>
> >CC: chronicler at ansteorra.org, Alexander Ravenshaw
> ><alexravenshaw at sbcglobal.net>
> >Subject: [Gatesedge] Releases for the Historian
> >Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 12:06:38 -0600
> >
> >Dear Friends,
> >
> >I have been doing some research into copywrite and publications and
> >these publications onto a webpage in order to share the history with the
> >populace. I am working with HL Eadric and Lady Gwen to put together a
> >"Historian's page" for both the Gates Edge and the Stargate websites.
> >gentles have been very helpful and willing to work with me at any time.
> >However, this may take more time and footwork than I anticipated.
> >
> >Basically, it boils down to this. US Copywrite Law states that a
> >is in force *thoughout the life of the author/artist and 50 years after
> >their death*.
> >
> >Many of you in writing articles and so forth for the chronicler to
> >in the Two Towers or the OTE signed releases but some of those releases
> >were
> >only good for that one publication. In the earliest years, there may not
> >have been releases at all...or if the chronicler's files have been lost
> >damaged in the past...the releases may have been lost. In order for me to
> >put them into the historian's page, I will be researching the
> >files of both the Barony and the Shire for your releases. If what you
> >signed
> >is for that publication only, I will need to have you sign another and
> >different release which will give me your permission to put it onto the
> >webpage. In the case of someone who has passed away like HE Adelicia or
> >Sir
> >John the Plain of Shern, I will have to secure the family's permission to
> >use their work.
> >
> >To complicate the matter even more, I will need a release from the
> >*chronicler who published the Two Towers, the OTE (or The AntHill
> >Times....yoohoo! Fedelm!!)* in order to put the entire newletter in total
> >on
> >the webpage. HL Alexander, kingdom chronicler, informed me that the
> >of the publication belongs to whomever put it together to begin with.
> >Otherwise, I will only be able to put whatever articles I can get
> >individual
> >releases for onto the webpage.
> >
> >None of this is impossible to accomplish. It will just take more time and
> >work than I first realized. But then what else is new? :-) I will be
> >working
> >on this little problem for a long time and I wanted to let you know why
> >may be a bit before you actually see things onto these pages which
> >other than myself have written.
> >
> >In the meantime, I would appreciate the following from anyone who might
> >know.
> >
> >1. If you know the contact information for the families of people who
> >passed away and were part of the Barony or Shire-please pass that
> >information along to me.
> >
> >2. If you know the contact information for people who have left the area
> >left the Society, please pass that information along to me.
> >
> >3. If you have personally published articles or artwork in any of the
> >publications I have mentioned, please be ready to receive my request that
> >you sign a release.
> >
> >I can be reached privately at hlannes at ev1.net or dvandever at kleinisd.net
> >
> >That is all I can think of now. Until then, I remain....
> >
> >In Service,
> >Annes
> >Dear God, Help me to be the person
> >my dog thinks I am. Amen
> >
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