[Gatesedge] Releases for the Historian

Talmon Parker tt_ann at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 8 13:36:59 PST 2004

Hi Kiddo!!!

About a year or so ago I signed a release for all of Anns articles and 
drawings  that had been published in all of the news letters of the ,at that 
time, canton. It was given at a populus meeting and was supposed to cover 
both Anns and also my contributions to the over the edge .It should be in 
the stuff that the chronicler has. If that is not enough then get me some 
forms and I will invent some fictional stuff for your records.


              DER BARON

>From: "D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net>
>Reply-To: "D. Vandever" <hlannes at ev1.net>,   "Shire of Gate's Edge - 
>SCA,Inc." <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
>To: <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>, "Stargate list" <stargate at ansteorra.org>
>CC: chronicler at ansteorra.org,   Alexander Ravenshaw 
><alexravenshaw at sbcglobal.net>
>Subject: [Gatesedge] Releases for the Historian
>Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 12:06:38 -0600
>Dear Friends,
>I have been doing some research into copywrite and publications and putting
>these publications onto a webpage in order to share the history with the
>populace. I am working with HL Eadric and Lady Gwen to put together a
>"Historian's page" for both the Gates Edge and the Stargate websites. Both
>gentles have been very helpful and willing to work with me at any time.
>However, this may take more time and footwork than I anticipated.
>Basically, it boils down to this. US Copywrite Law states that a copywrite
>is in force *thoughout the life of the author/artist and 50 years after
>their death*.
>Many of you in writing articles and so forth for the chronicler to publish
>in the Two Towers or the OTE signed releases but some of those releases 
>only good for that one publication. In the earliest years, there may not
>have been releases at all...or if the chronicler's files have been lost or
>damaged in the past...the releases may have been lost. In order for me to
>put them into the historian's page, I will be researching the chronicler's
>files of both the Barony and the Shire for your releases. If what you 
>is for that publication only, I will need to have you sign another and
>different release which will give me your permission to put it onto the
>webpage.  In the case of someone who has passed away like HE Adelicia or 
>John the Plain of Shern, I will have to secure the family's permission to
>use their work.
>To complicate the matter even more, I will need a release from the
>*chronicler who published the Two Towers, the OTE (or The AntHill
>Times....yoohoo! Fedelm!!)* in order to put the entire newletter in total 
>the webpage. HL Alexander, kingdom chronicler, informed me that the layout
>of the publication belongs to whomever put it together to begin with.
>Otherwise, I will only be able to put whatever articles I can get 
>releases for onto the webpage.
>None of this is impossible to accomplish. It will just take more time and
>work than I first realized. But then what else is new? :-) I will be 
>on this little problem for a long time and I wanted to let you know why it
>may be a bit before you actually see things onto these pages which someone
>other than myself have written.
>In the meantime, I would appreciate the following from anyone who might
>1. If you know the contact information for the families of people who have
>passed away and were part of the Barony or Shire-please pass that
>information along to me.
>2. If you know the contact information for people who have left the area or
>left the Society, please pass that information along to me.
>3. If you have personally published articles or artwork in any of the
>publications I have mentioned, please be ready to receive my request that
>you sign a release.
>I can be reached privately at hlannes at ev1.net or dvandever at kleinisd.net
>That is all I can think of now. Until then, I remain....
>In Service,
>Dear God,  Help me to be the person
>my dog thinks I am.  Amen
>Gatesedge mailing list
>Gatesedge at ansteorra.org

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