[Gatesedge] packing at Shanahan's - directions

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 26 15:22:11 PDT 2004

Gate's Edge, 
My apologies to Lorraine, I was offline Friday through the weekend and didn't get your message,
hope you found the directions.  If not, and for anyone else, I'm posting the directions here.  
I also found the address on Yahoo/maps, so you can probably use mapquest just fine.  

I heard that Fo was able to go out on Saturday and pack, unfortunately he did not know about
Bowen's offer to store boxes at his work property so all of Shanahan's things are stored together.
  I've sent Fo and e-mail on Bowen's plan; so Bowen, you may hear from him.  

I won't be able to head back to Shanahan's till August.  Guenviere of Camelot Horses took a
furniture trailer out to Shanahan's for folks to load boxes into and when filled it can be
transported to Bowen's to unload and return for another load.  

Shanahan does not have access to internet daily, so if you guys want to help her, give her a call
on her cell, she prefers after 9pm so she is not charged for call.  

All the best, Hillary 

<<Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 16:35:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: L T <ldeerslayer at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Gatesedge] packing at Shanahan's  
To: "Shire of Gate's Edge - SCA, Inc." <gatesedge at ansteorra.org>
Message-ID: <20040722233550.70729.qmail at web52301.mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mail me the directions...I can come out Saturday morning...

> I would love to have you come out tomorrow. Anytime you would like. My cell phone is
> 281-639-0452. I will be packing like a crazy woman all day. Directions are:
> Go to Magnolia as if you were going to RenFaire. Once you cross over the railroad and do that
> funny zig-zag, you are on 1774. Go 1 mile to FM 1486 -- it's the flashing yellow light. Turn
> right (you can only turn right). About 4-ish miles down is a Diamond Shamrock station and a
> very narrow bridge. Start counting the right-hand streets AFTER you cross that bridge. They
> are:
> Friar Tuck
> Sandy Hill
> So Hall
> Hall N
> Weren
> My street is next after Weren -- Country Oaks Blvd. There is a white 'wall - subdivision
> entrance-thingy' on either side of the street. Turn right (again, the only way you can turn)
> and go 1.1 miles.
> My House is on the right hand side, tho not visiable from the street. The lot is wild and the
> ditch is overgrown. There is a white mailbox with BIG green leaves on the far side of the
> driveway. There are numerals on the post (24747) and HEDFORD is on the mailbox (the T fell
> off).
> Just turn into the driveway and come about 150 ft to the house. The backdoor is probably the
> best entrance -- less overgrown.
> Shanahan

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