[Gatesedge] RE: [Coastal] Stargate heraldic consultation & Gates Edge fiber artsnight

Amanda Bowen reason_prevails at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 16 12:34:18 PST 2004

What the ever-intrepid Groa failed to mention was that Armillary Herald will 
also be foisting her attempts at period food onto unsuspecting victims... 
er... guests. So come, bring food, be fed, and help your poor Armillary 
finish up the very last of the AAA submissions. (They're almost done, 

Coloring Book Hell (er... Armillary) Herald

>From: "Grÿfffff3a" Ulfsdottir <wyldturtle at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: groa at houston.rr.com,        "Coastal Region of Ansteorra - 
>SCA,Inc." <coastal at ansteorra.org>
>To: coastal at ansteorra.org, ravensfort at ansteorra.org, 
>gatesedge at ansteorra.org,        hou-announce at ansteorra.org
>Subject: [Coastal] Stargate heraldic consultation & Gates Edge fiber 
>Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 11:00:23 -0800 (PST)
>Greetings to you all (and I apologize for the tardiness of this)!
>This is just a reminder that I will be hosting Stargate heraldic 
>consultation & Gates Edge fiber arts guild at my home tomorrow night, 
>11/17/2004.  We will also be coloring the last of the submissions for 
>Armilary Herald from Argent Anniversary.  I've been told there are about 10 
>submissions left to color (a total of 40 pictures) so if we have a good 
>showing we can knock it out in no time.  For those of you not interested in 
>coloring we will also be doing all kinds of other fiber arts or just 
>hanging out and watching movies.  As before we will be doing a pot luck 
>dinner, so please bring a side dish or dessert of your choice.  I will be 
>making fried chicken strips so if there is a particular dipping sauce that 
>you like bring it too.  Please R.S.V.P. by tomorrow at 3pm so that I know 
>how much chicken to buy.  You can e-mail me at groa at houston.rr.com or call 
>281-877-0357 (please no calls after 10pm).
>In Service to the Dream,
>Groa Ulfsdottir
>Sentinel Persuivant
>Gróa Ulfrsdottir

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