[Gatesedge] Cour d'Amour set-up -- coffee cans, pavilion

Kathri at aol.com Kathri at aol.com
Sun Sep 19 11:37:01 PDT 2004

I just found 3 empty metal coffee cans in my garage.  I also have a camp 
shovel.  So, since Camp Camwood has ample supplies of dirt, we should be able to 
provide butt cans for the smokers.

I also found my old 6-sided (or is it 8?) pavilion with the blue-and-white 
plastic cover -- one of those $10 surplus ones that lots of us got a few years 
ago.  I think I have all the pieces but no guarantee, and I'm not going to try 
to put it up alone to find out.  (Been there, done that, ruined a T-shirt with 
sweat and holes to prove it.)  I'll bring it to set-up.  If we want to try to 
use it, we'll find out if all the pieces are really there.  


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