[Gatesedge] [Fwd: [Ravensfort] Woodlands Movie Demo Saturday]

Shane Wallace sdwsdw30 at totalzone.com
Fri May 6 05:33:50 PDT 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Ravensfort] Woodlands Movie Demo Saturday
Date: 	Thu, 5 May 2005 23:21:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Kief av Kiersted <sirkief at yahoo.com>
To: 	ravensfort at ansteorra.org, hou-announce at ansteorra.org
CC: 	the_lady_racheal at yahoo.com, scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net

Heilsa all...

After talking with Mirabelis, the Officers, and the populace,
Raven's Fort will be doing a demo at Tinseltown in the Woodlands.

Cinemark Tinseltown 17
1600 Lake Robbins
The Woodlands, TX 77380

Located on the southwestern corner of the Woodlands Mall which is
located on I-45 between Spring and Conroe.

We at Raven's Fort would joyfully welcome the good folks in
Gate's Edge and Stargate to join us for this demo at the
Woodlands' opening of "Kingdom of Heaven".


HE Chrystal will "Steward" the demo...with Lady Mirabelis as her

Time: Meet at Tinseltown between 12:00 (noon) and 12:30 on
Saturday May 07, 2005. 

Demo runs between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

What to bring: Period equipment please if at all possible! Time
period **Crusades** European or Middle Eastern

Chairs, mugs to drink from, armor, weapons (strictly peace tied
and either on your person or under supervision at all times!!).
Drums for Middle Eastern Dance.

HE Brian will bring H2O, various pieces of period style Templar
armor and more.

Vicaress Lorraine will be there as well with handouts and signup
sheets...compliments of HE Chrystal and Lord Malcom.

Hope to see everyone there!

Your good neighbor...

Kief, Vicar Raven's Fort

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