[Gatesedge] 2nd bugging of the month

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Wed May 10 06:22:46 PDT 2006

Hello wonderous populace,

Do you remember something really funny happening at an event?  Do you
remember when you received an award?  Do you remember your first event?  Do
you remember someone else's first event??  Was it funny?
I could really use some help for all of you.  I need stories from events or
gatherings. If you remember something funny, a first event, when you
received an award, etc...please write it out and email it to me so that I
can include it in the new section - "No Kidding, there I was..."

I could also use some new artwork - or cartoons - or recipes - or pictures -
etc.  Please get them to me by May 19th.  I will be putting the newsletter
together over that weekend and sending it to the printer on Monday.  I will
also need a release from you when you submit.

This is YOUR newsletter.  Please help fill it with stories/artwork/etc.  And

Thank you,
Racheal : )

Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary of Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
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