[Gatesedge] Fighting Thank Yous

Racheal racheal.no.ansteorra at gmail.com
Thu Oct 19 13:01:56 PDT 2006

Greetings to one and all,

I would like to thank the following people for coming out to Drachenstich
Festspiele and participating.

On our Chiv field  -
Lord Mattias of Gate's Edge - He was our out-going Champion and ran the
We had 12 Chiv fighters --
Our new Champion - Sir Rhodri Apgwythyr (Shadowlands)
Centurian Michael of Gravesend (Stargate)
Lord Georges Le Breton (Gate's Edge)
Lord Madog of Gilastonbury (Loch Soilleir)
Lord Tora no Ansteorra (Gate's Edge)
Dalan De Santiago (Loch Soilleir)
Don Robert Mac Pharland (Stargate)
Lord Eric Grayfox (Gate's Edge)  -- Who also helped Marshal
Centurian Thorgard Inn Svarti (Gate's Edge)
Baron William Wescott (Loch Soilleir) -- Who also helped Marshal
HL Eoin mor Wythrspon (Gate's Edge) -- Who also helped Marshal
Jean Clisson (Gate's Edge)

We also had Wolfen and Fergus Stout help Marshal.
Wolfen and Lord Brian O'h Uilliam helped as Field Heralds for the Chiv list.

On our Rapier field -
Don Robert Mac Pharland (Stargate) - Our out-going Champion who ran the
We had 7 fighters come out for Rapier --
Don Brian - Our new Champion
Lord Ceallach Mac Donal
Lord Madog of Gilastonbury (Loch Soilleir)
Lord Malachai Morgan
Lady Dominika Tesheia (Shadowlands)
Baron William Wescott (Loch Soilleir)
Lord Brian O'h Uilliam (Loch Soilleir)

Baroness Gwen and several of the Rapier fighters helped Marshal.

On the Youth Boffer field
We had one youth -- Patrick of Gate's Edge
And thanks also go to Sir Rhodri for helping on the Youth Boffer field.

Thank you all for keeping me busy all day!  It was wonderful to see each of
you fighting for the chance of being Gate's Edge Champion.

At the List Table -
Baroness Neassa helped with the Rapier List.
Newcomers Tony, Carla, and Margo all from Gate's Edge.
And HL Annes was my back up.

Thank you for helping me watch the fighters, making sure they had water to
drink, and keeping me company throughout the day.

For everyone else, it was a pleasure to see you at our event and I look
forward to seeing you at another.

In Service,

Lady Racheal no Ansteorra
mka Cherish Robinson
Gate's Edge Chronicler
Secretary for Gate's Edge Knight Marshal
Deputy Hospitaler
House Head for the Guild of St. Camillus de Lellis
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