[Gatesedge] Greetings and a request

Darlene Vandever annescvb at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 17:17:53 PDT 2007

Once again, I have taken on the task of heading gate for an event. This
event happens in 1 1/2 weeks time at Camp Camwood and is Gatesedge Caribee
event. I need a minimum of one other gentle to sit gate with me on each
shift and welcome our guests. Shift times are below. Please email me with
the shifts you would like to share with me. As always, I shall have cool
drinks, tantalizing snacks including chocolate, and a fan to cool our brows
should the weather be sultry for all who aide me.

If you see someone elses name already in the slot and wish to sit that
shift, please contact me. 1 other person is the minimum, I will glady take
more people. Also, if you wish to sit more than one shift, that is just fine

Friday night, August 24
6 PM to 8 PM- Annes
                      Jussam of House Starfire
8 PM to 10 PM-Annes
                       YOUR NAME HERE

Saturday, August 25
6 AM to 8 AM-Annes
                      YOUR NAME HERE
8 AM to 10 AM-Annes
                        YOUR NAME HERE
10 AM to NOON-Annes
                        YOUR NAME HERE
Noon to 2 PM-Annes
                     YOUR NAME HERE
2 Pm to 4 PM-Annes
                     YOUR NAME HERE

Primary motto: "Muneris ultra Sanitas" *translation* "Service beyond Sanity"
Secondary motto: "Taedium duos limbus pro salus" *Literal translation*
"Wearing two girdles for safety" *Modern Meaning* "Suspenders and a belt"
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