[Gatesedge] looking for help with scavenger hunt

Alden Drake alden_drake at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 23 09:52:39 PDT 2007

I'm looking for 2-3 people willing to help me with the scavenger hunt.  
These people will need to be available for the scavengers to check in 
with periodically.  These "list monitors" will initial the items that 
the scavengers bring in throughout the day.  Lists will then need to be 
turned in at 4pm to a list monitor, then given to me for tallying.  I 
will also be a list monitor.  List monitors are not required to be in 
any one place, but should be able to accommodate people coming up to 
them throughout the day to get items initialed.  Please email me if you 
can help.

Thank you!


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