[Gatesedge] Youth Collegium at Steppes Warlord

Judie Willey littledragon0861 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 16:55:57 PST 2007

Greetings unto Ansteorra,

I would like to thank you all in advance for all of the wonderful assistance
I know I am going to receive. We are planning on a pavillion for a Youth
Collegium at Steppes Warlord this year and I am putting out the call now for
I am already planning on 2 soapmaking classes, one melt and pour for the
little ones, and one regular soapmaking class for the teens, as well as
candle dipping ( I hope ) for the teens.

Please contact me ASAP  with the classes you would be able to teach, class
size limits , times available to teach and any cost to the students., as
well as all of the pertinant info (i.e. your email address , phone number

I would like run the gamut if at all possible on classes with everything
from A&S to SCA History, Heraldry ,Bardic and anything else that fits in.

Again, Thank you in advance for your time


Rebbe Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi
MoC Barony of Steppes
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