[Gatesedge] July Populace and Business Meetings

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 14:45:09 PDT 2007

Greetings Shire of Gates Edge,

I have received word that Kinsmen Lutheran Church (the church where we hold
our meetings) will not have an available room in July.  So I am putting
these questions to you all:

1) Do we want to hold our Populace meeting somewhere else or do we want to
skip the meeting this month?

2) Do we want to hold our Business Meeting somewhere else or do we want to
skip the meeting this month?

Please let me know by the end Friday evening what your preference is so I
can make a decision and announce it over the weekend.

Also, if you would like to hold the meetings in a different location,
suggestions would be welcome.


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