[Gatesedge] Good words from another list...
Darlene Vandever
annescvb at gmail.com
Tue May 29 14:52:03 PDT 2007
*Greetings, I found this posted to another list and thought that it was
worth sharing. *
*Responsibilities and Duties of the Populace*
*By: Avin' de Saint-Vaast & Dana Mac an Ghabhann *
*We know that officers have responsibilities and duties to you as a
populace. They are responsible for keeping records, making timely reports
and assuring that we obey Society, Kingdom and mundane laws so we can play
this game. The biggest part of their duties is to see to the needs of you,
the populace!*
*But, do you know what your responsibilities and duties are as the populace
of this group?*
*1. **Ask questions, such as……..*
*a. **Why are we doing this?*
*b. **How much money did you say we have?*
*c. **Can you explain?*
*d. **Can we do….whatever?*
*The only STUPID question is the one that you didn't ask!!*
* 2. Get Involved.*
*a. **Attend meetings (populace & officers)*
*b. **Support the local calendar: fighter practices, workshops, etc.*
*c. Volunteer: become an officer, deputy officer, autocrat, open your
home for a meeting or workshop or just help where needed (those dreaded
sign-up sheets). *
* 3. Don't say "YES" lightly to anything the group wants to do just
because it seems to be popular. Anything this group commits to do involves
YOU! It is your duty, as a member of this populace, to request time to
think about or discuss in detail any commitment this group is considering. *
1. *Voice your concerns, opinions and ideas. One little concern could
put a whole new spin on things. Not all ideas are good, but all concerns
warrant discussion. Phrases such as "Look before you leap," "Look at both
sides of the coin," "Play Devil's Advocate," all come to mind. Don't ever be
embarrassed to voice an opinion. You just might be the one to offer
something the officers or other members of the populace hadn't even thought
of or considered.*
*Remember…….This is your group!!! *
*The officer's job in this group is to guide and facilitate the business,
events and activities of this group for YOU. If at any time you feel they
are not doing this, then it is your responsibility to find out why. Talk
with the responsible officer or talk to the Seneschal.*
*Permission to reprint is hereby granted provided it is reprinted in it's
entirety and credit to the authors is included. *
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