[Gatesedge] Good words from another list...

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Tue May 29 18:43:11 PDT 2007


Thanks for sharing.

On 5/29/07, Darlene Vandever <annescvb at gmail.com> wrote:
>  *Greetings, I found this posted to another list and thought that it was
> worth sharing. *
> **
> *Annes*
> *Responsibilities and Duties of the Populace*
> **
> *By: Avin' de Saint-Vaast & Dana Mac an Ghabhann *
> *We know that officers have responsibilities and duties to you as a
> populace. They are responsible for keeping records, making timely reports
> and assuring that we obey Society, Kingdom and mundane laws so we can play
> this game.   The biggest part of their duties is to see to the needs of
> you, the populace!*
> **
> *But, do you know what your responsibilities and duties are as the
> populace of this group?*
> **
> *1.      **Ask questions, such as…….. *
> *a.      **Why are we doing this? *
> *b.     **How much money did you say we have? *
> *c.      **Can you explain? *
> *d.     **Can we do….whatever? *
> *The only STUPID question is the one that you didn't ask!!*
> **
> *    2. Get Involved.*
> *a.      **Attend meetings (populace & officers) *
> *b.     **Support the local calendar: fighter practices, workshops, etc. *
> *c.   Volunteer:  become an officer, deputy officer, autocrat, open your
> home for a meeting or workshop or just help where needed (those dreaded
> sign-up sheets). *
> **
> *     3.  Don't say "YES" lightly to anything the group wants to do just
> because it seems to be popular.   Anything this group commits to do
> involves YOU!  It is your duty, as a member of this populace, to request
> time to think about or discuss in detail any commitment this group is
> considering. *
> **
>    1. *Voice your concerns, opinions and ideas. One little concern
>    could put a whole new spin on things. Not all ideas are good, but all
>    concerns warrant discussion. Phrases such as "Look before you leap," "Look
>    at both sides of the coin," "Play Devil's Advocate," all come to mind. Don't
>    ever be embarrassed to voice an opinion. You just might be the one to offer
>    something the officers or other members of the populace hadn't even thought
>    of or considered. *
> **
> *Remember…….This is your group!!!    *
> **
> *The officer's job in this group is to guide and facilitate the business,
> events and activities of this group for YOU. If at any time you feel they
> are not doing this, then it is your responsibility to find out why. Talk
> with the responsible officer or talk to the Seneschal. *
> **
> **
> *Permission to reprint is hereby granted provided it is reprinted in it's
> entirety and credit to the authors is included.  *
> __,_._,___
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