[Gatesedge] IKE recovery

Scott Mills b.scott.mills at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 14:48:33 PDT 2008

We have power back as of shortly after 3PM.  Power is flickering on
and off now  put is mostly on.  We are relatively comfortable as long
as power stays on.

Lots of big trees down.  Big oak on the North end of the house clipped
the house as it went down but there does not appear to be any
significant damage to the house.   LOTS of other trees down out back.
Seems like several of them deliberately targeted the fences.

The house phone is dead as is the DSL connection and this cellular
internet connection is pitifully slow  but  we are all OK.

I have spoken to Engenulf, Talmon, Frederic, and Iaen  and all are
safe and the only major problems is trees down and lack of power.
Padraic of Kilkenney has some pretty significant roof damage that has
lead to a lot of water in the house and some ceiling collapse.


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