[Gatesedge] [Ravensfort] looking for art supplies
Catie Clark
cat at rocks4brains.com
Sun Sep 7 11:56:52 PDT 2008
> Each location is different, but the one on Montrose seems to be more
> serious artist minded. And yes, the items you require are on line,
> but this is local art store nirvana.....you, too can thwack the
> Kolinsky Sable brushes....feel the specialty vellum.....look at the
> tooth on some *excellent* papers....
> Staff members are usually rather vague and snotty, but.....welcome to
> Houston! And besides: who cares! You're there to get lost in a
> legendary art store. Yes, yes...Jerry's is just fine for the "ooops,
> I forgot my qouache"...but when you're looking for Schminke.....TAS is
> the Maaaan....
> But hey...what do I know....I'm just a tired old Laurel... ;)
Yes, I do appreciate all the intelligence on art stores in the area,
and not just from Aslyn...from everybody!
Texas Art Supply sound like a wonderful place - and trust me,
I can usually put down snotty art store employees better than they
can try to do to me. Finding my own rocks to make my own
pigments, making my own vellum and paper and having been the
person running the magnetometer for the first successful attempts
to date ochre pigments from the frescos of the Vatican Library, I
have some of the best credentials going for putting together
ultimate artistic put-downs (insert evil manical laughter here, heh
heh heh...). Usually, I'm such a humble, sweet and demure gal,
quiet and soft spoken and unassuming (quit laughing, Runa, I can
hear from here...) that such details rarely see the light of day,
but snotty effete and patronizing salespeople who think they might
know more than I do bring out the worst in me...
What is humorous here is the nature of the request from the West
vs. the caliper of art stores presented by you fine folks for my
perusal. Really, I just needed a pad of decent bristol board...
After all, the request was for some new privy comics. Yeah,
privy comics. I don't know if people do those here, but in the
West they are occassionally used for "public education" along
the lines of "put the lid down in hot weather when you're done,"
"please don't steal the privy light," "no unattended fires," "don't
do your dishes at the communal spikot," and "if you make out
in the royal pavillion, don't leave used prophylactics under the
thrones..." (don't laugh, it's been done) And most of the privy
comics out in the Left Coast kingdoms have been drawn by me,
and for reasons that escape me, people seem to think I'm the
one to go to when it's time for more "public education" at events.
The driving need this time seems to be underwear. Yes, undies,
small clothes, etc. Apparently, people have been throwing
underwear into the porta-privies lately - and it's been happening
at more than one event. At the West-AnTir war, some underwear
clogged up the plumbing on the honey-sucker truck...and I'll
leave the rest to your mutual ample imaginations...
Yes, I have now found a pad of Strathmore bristol board.
Thanks you, everyone, for all the help.
Therasia von TooMuchInformation
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