[Gatesedge] looking for art supplies

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 09:27:40 PDT 2008

Hey Theresia, 
Gosh darned, they can find you anywhere, even when you move out of kingdom, ha! 

Art supplies: 
You can get the Strathmore pads at your local Hobby Lobby and Michaels art stores, so you should be able to get that in either Huntsville or Conroe without having to go all the way into northwest Houston (Jerry's Artarama) or down to the 'mecca of art', Texas Art Supply, near downtown Houston. 

If desperate, I can give you a pad at the next Stargate Scribes Meeting on this Thursday night; tho I personally prefer the Strathmore 400 series, when I used an art paper pad for quick works.  :-) 

Hobby Lobby: 

Jerry's Artarama: http://www.jerrysartarama.com/
(Be advised that Jerry's online store has different prices than the landed stores, but not by much, unless items are onsale. ) Jerry's caters to a more purist painter community, so no calligraphy supplies, predominately paints and materials, also a nice selection of gold leaf. 

Texas Art Supply:http://www.texasart.com/

Specialty art supply stores online, for Calligraphy and Illumination: 
These will be the only locations for vellum, parchment and pergamenata skins: These carry the popular Schmincke gold gouache paint.  
John Neal Books: http://www.johnnealbooks.com/
Paper and Ink Arts: http://www.paperinkarts.com/

Other art stores online: 
Daniel Smith: http://www.danielsmith.com/
Dick Blick Arts: http://www.dickblick.com/
Cheep Joe's Art Stuff: http://www.cheapjoes.com/

And there are a slew of other art suppliers, in specialty areas, like pigments, etc.

Good luck, Hillary

> Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 15:29:21 -0500
> From: Catie Clark <cat at rocks4brains.com>
> Subject: [Gatesedge] looking for art supplies
> To: gatesedge at lists.ansteorra.org,
> Ravensfort at lists.ansteorra.org
> Hello everyone
> I just got an art request in from the West Kingdom,
> and of course, my ego said "YES!" before the rest
> of my brain could catch up to say "you've got too
> much to do already..."
> So, does anyone know where I can buy some
> bristol board (Stratford series 300, 3-ply or the
> equivalent, vellum finish preferred, the stuff in a
> pad is okay for what I need to do), in The Woodlands,
> Huntsville or North Houston areas?
> Thanks!
> ttfn
> Therasia (who has never bought art supplies in Texas
> before)

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