[Gatesedge] Followup
Bulgarelli Maria
scarlettmb at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 16 05:54:36 PDT 2008
Hi all.
Just checking in here. We got power back on Sunday but didn't have any phones tile last night and DSL doesn't work without that.
The parents and I are well as well as the cats and dog. I have also checked on my office and there is now power there. The other tenants in the office complex say that because we don't run off HL&P it could be up to 3 weeks before we get power back. The bosses house is also in the same boat. She's off trying to find a couple of generators for the house and office.
Caitlin, as of last night, still didn't have electric.
Annes and Thorgard are ok, lost a couple of trees, but nothing major and nothing hit the house. I don't know if they have power yet, but they got a generator.
I was also over at Gwen and Deitrich's house last night. They have power but no water. They are all ok too.
I know we don't all have access to internet, but if you do, please make sure that those who don't have it know that Defender of the Fort this weekend is postponed. They are looking for a new date on the Kingdom calendar, but may have to wait til after deer season for the event.
If anyone needs anything, please call. I have cell service but it's spotty. If you get the voice mail, just leave a message and I'll get it.
Everyone take care.
--- On Mon, 9/15/08, Scott Mills <b.scott.mills at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Scott Mills <b.scott.mills at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Gatesedge] Followup
> To: CompanyofSaintSebastian at yahoogroups.com, gatesedge at ansteorra.org
> Date: Monday, September 15, 2008, 2:12 PM
> No land-line phone at our house, cell towers must be down as
> we get
> essentially zero service for either ATT or Sprint.
> Most folks I have spoken to do not have power.
> We tarped Pats roof yesterday to hopefully keep any more
> water out. Pat
> spent the night at our house.
> Frederic, Isabella and the kids spent a good portion of the
> evening at the
> house as well and they are all safe. They have a backyard
> full of trees and
> one clipped their garage. No power but otherwise all is
> good
> Carluccio spent a good bit of time at the house yesterday
> evening as well
> and he is doing fine. No power.
> Iaen was over for a brief period and is safe as well. Some
> trees down i
> nthe yard and thats about it. No power.
> We have spoken to TT and he is safe as well. No power but
> is getting by on
> bottled O2. He will come to our house as needed.
> Engenulf and Sean helped us get the tarps on Patricks
> house. They are well
> but were without power. Engenulf went over to Alesones
> house and it looks
> like it is in good condition.
> Christoforo and Mea are safe.
> Leofwine and Ciarnat are safe.
> I have been unable to reach Pixley and dnot appear to have
> a valid Phone #
> for him any more.
> -EA
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