[Gatesedge] Followup

Alesone Lesley alesone.lesley at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 14:16:56 PDT 2008

Hello everyone,

I am back online - have power, water, land lines, internet, cell -
everything.  My office opened up for business today, but we are running on a
short schedule as the hospital still has acurfew in place.

I am really glad to have heard from many of you that you are all ok.
Hopefully we'll hear from more as the power comes back online.

I DO have power and water at my house if anyone needs a refuge - the
invitation is open; just let me know.  If you know of someone without
internet access, could you please pass the word to them also?

As always, if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to


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