[Gatesedge] Chivalric Champion Sword

Alden Drake alden_drake at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 14 12:10:44 PDT 2009

Greetings to the list,
At Ansteorra's 30th Year, HE Don Armand de Lacy gave into my care a new sword for the chivalric champion of Gate's Edge.  If I recall correctly, he said he had given a sword to the Canton of Gate's Edge several years ago, but now that the group was a Shire, he felt they should have a sword more befitting it's size and status.  The shire's website lists Sir Godwin of Edington as the shire's current chivalric champion.  If someone could confirm that for me, I'd be happy to deliver the sword into his hands.  Otherwise, I'll bring the sword to the next populace meeting.

In service,
Alden Drake
Squire to Sir Godwin
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