[Gatesedge] Stargate Sodality Scroll Commissions open

Hillary Greenslade hillaryrg at yahoo.com
Tue May 4 16:29:19 PDT 2010

The summer season is soon upon us, and Stargate scribes have no pressing scroll needs till next Yule. 
Over the last year, several of you have approached me about a request to have the Stargate scribes guild create a Sodality scroll for you, as you never received one.  So, I'm starting a commission list.    

Please provide me the following: 
SCA Name: 
Real Name: 
E-mail Contact: 
Baron and Baroness of Stargate that presented your Sodality: 
Date of Award presentation: 

I also want to have you look up your name on the Ansteorra Order of Precidence site and confirm that your information for your Sodality is listed there, with the date for your award.  

There are no promises for when your award will be completed, but at least this is a beginning.  

Cheers, Hillary Greenslade
Stargate Scribes Guild Principal

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