[Gatesedge] The Shire of Gates Edge has a new Local Herald

Steve Scott (Dietrich) dietrich.strobelbart at yahoo.com
Tue May 11 06:06:42 PDT 2010

Greetings unto the Populace of the Shire of Gates Edge and unto the Ansteorran College of Heralds!

It is my honor and pleasure to announce that Milord Robert of Colesford is the new Local Herald for the Shire of Gates Edge.  Robert has recently moved to Ansteorra from Caid, where he served some time as a Deputy Herald.  I am confident that he will do a good job for the Shire in his new office.  Please welcome him to Ansteorra, and the Shire of Gates Edge!

Yours in Service,

Herr Dietrich Strobelbart
Coastal Regional Herald

mka: Steve Scott 
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