[Gatesedge] Activities for children this Saturday

paul rieke pdkrieke at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 6 10:30:05 PDT 2011

We have a number of activities planned for children at the Stargate/Loch event on April 9.
There will be a Quest/Treasure Hunt. (the servide project for children will be part of this)
Egg dyeing.
Dragon egg hunt. ( we will have some special eggs for the very young)
Making/painting a wooden toy (from a kit)
Decorating "golden" crowns.
Story time
Possibly other stuff, depending on time.
An afternoon snack (goldfish, fruit of some sort, probably either grapes or oranges, and lemonade) will be provided.
Activities will begin after morning court, have a lunch break (tentative noon-1, but may need to adjust, depending on the time  the court is over),). and conclude at 3:30 pm.
We hope  your children will join us!
Fedelm ni Uidhir
Stargate MOC
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