[Gatesedge] Here is the scoop about GE Fighter Practice today

Darlene Burns annescvb at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 04:33:50 PDT 2011

Mark/Thorgard made it to Burnet last night before he had to stop. He stayed
at a motel there and is up and having breakfast. As soon as it is light
enough for him to pull the trailer safely, he is going to come home and drop
the trailer and come straight to the park. I will be there by 10 am with the
loaner gear. People who want to come out to work on projects or discuss the
event are welcome to join me. Fighters will need to wait until Mark or
another marshal arrives in order to practice.

He *will* be there but not at 10 am. We are hoping he can be there by 11 or
11:30. The heat is not supposed to be so bad today so FP can run later if
there are fighters that want to practice and an hour or two is not enough.
**IF THERE**are any marshals within the sound of this email who want to come
out so that our practice can start on time, PLEASE feel free to attend. I
will bring Thorgard's marshal notebooks with the waviers etc. so we can be

Again, my apologies for all these posts but Mark's boss is no respecter of
weekends and life beyond work.

"Munerius Ultra Sanitas"
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