[Gatesedge] Fw: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report
Carolyn Young
caitlin37 at comcast.net
Mon Feb 13 10:05:21 PST 2012
For your edification and enjoyment.
Caitlin, Carolyn, Lyn, Mom, Grandma
So much to do; so little attention span.....
From: <ea at sca.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 8:48 AM
To: <announcements at lists.sca.org>
Subject: [Ansteorra-announce] [Announcements] President's Report
> February 7, 2012
> Greetings:
> This is the President's report of the actions taken at the SCA, Inc.'s and
> its subsidiaries most recent Board of Directors meetings, held January 28,
> 2012, in the Kingdom of the West. This material may be freely distributed,
> and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share this information
> with the general membership. Permission is hereby granted to reprint all
> or part of this report in Kingdom, Principality, and local newsletters. It
> is requested that the source of the information be identified as "from the
> President's Report of the January 28, 2012 Board meeting" and that, as far
> as possible, exact quotes be used. Please note that this report is NOT the
> official Minutes of the Board meeting. In case of any discrepancy between
> this document and the approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any
> inaccuracies in reporting contained herein are my own.
> Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA, Inc. A
> subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at
> the meeting.
> Have fun. Make our game fun for everyone, every day!
> Respectfully submitted,
> Thomas (Tom) W. Hughes
> President, SCA Inc.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Old business
> Same Sex Consorts in Crown Tournaments: The Board is submitting, for
> commentary, the following potential change to Corpora relative to
> combatants in Crown Tournaments.
> Current Corpora language:
> Each competitor in a Royal Lists must be fighting for a consort of the
> opposite gender.
> Proposed Language:
> Each competitor in a Royal Lists must be fighting for a consort of the
> opposite gender. Crowns may permit entry into the Royal Lists by
> same-gender couples. Please provide your comments to
> [mailto:comments at sca.org] comments at sca.org.
> Additional Peerage: Based on the results of the Census data, as well as an
> examination of the number of participants in the Knowne World, the Board
> of Directors intends to explore the possibility of creating a new peerage
> to recognize as peers those rapier fighters who meet the general
> requirements for a patent of arms and who demonstrate prowess in rapier
> combat and cut and thrust combat. Therefore, the Board is forming an
> exploratory committee to investigate heraldry, regalia, corpora changes
> and associated issues around creating such a peerage. The board expects
> the committee to make concrete recommendations with respect to creations
> of such a peerage. Any resulting corpora changes will be submitted for
> comment pursuant to the Board's standard policy. The Board invites the
> input of the general membership, Kingdom Crowns and officers as to the
> make-up of the committee.
> New Business
> Corporate Resolutions were approved for the following subsidiary actions:
> A. SCA – Gulf Wars, Inc. (SCA-GW, Inc.) – approved
> B. SCA – Tennessee, Inc. (SCA-TN, Inc.) – approved
> C. SCA-Maine, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> D. SCA-Mississippi, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> E. SCA-New York, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> F. SCA-Rhode Island, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> G. SCA-Tennessee, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> H. SCA-Gulf Wars, Inc. Subsidiary Formation – approved
> I. Additional Peerage Proposal – approved the explorations for the
> formation of a peerage for rapier.
> The following New Business were returned for further work.
> A. Social Media Policy – returned for further work
> B. Rules of Submission Handbook – returned for further work. Need to
> streamline process.
> President
> There were no requested Board actions. There were several policy
> interpretations made by the President during the quarter that were
> approved by the Board.
> 1. Tokens – An SCA member proposed the use of tokens as currency at an SCA
> event. I rejected this proposal since it would have violated SCA’s By-Laws
> and Corporate Policy XI. Policy on Coinage and Currency. The Board upheld
> this policy interpretation.
> 2. SCA Trademark and Service Mark enforcement – An SCA member created a
> Facebook page using the local branch heraldry and local branch name to use
> as a platform to make inappropriate comments about the Crown of the member’s
> kingdom. As President, I contacted Facebook and requested that they remove
> the offensive page since it was using SCA trademarks and service marks
> without permission. Facebook removed the subject Facebook page within 24
> hours. The Board ruled that it is within the authority of the Office of
> the President to protect and defend SCA’s Trademarks and Service Marks.
> 3. Consolidated Equestrian waiver request – A draft consolidated waiver
> for use at events where equestrian activities was submitted as a
> replacement for the State by State equestrian waivers. The Society Marshal
> submitted a request for several State specific equestrian waivers. The
> equestrian waivers were referred to the Legal Committee for review.
> There were no requests for new policies made by the President.
> The President commends all those SCA members and volunteers who continue
> to make our game fun for everyone. He also commended Paul Newton, Sir
> Omarad the Wary, for his service as Society Marshal.
> The SCA is now 45 years old. Plans are underway to hold a 50th Anniversary
> event celebrating our game. Kingdoms interested in hosting this
> prestigious event are encouraged to submit their bid to the Society
> Seneschal. Details for the bid requirements can be found on the
> [http://www.sca.org/] www.sca.org web site and in kingdom newsletters.
> Over the next couple of months, the SCA will be transitioning to
> electronic newsletters; all members are encouraged to make the change to
> electronic formats if they are able to do so as this will reduce the
> operating costs for running the SCA. By changing to electronic formats,
> members will have access to the newsletters for all kingdoms. The legal
> matter in Pennsylvania continues to consume the time, talents and
> resources of the SCA.
> I command all SCA members to “Have fun and make our game fun for everyone,
> everyday!”
> Vice President of Information Technology
> The Board approved a proposal by the Vice President of Information
> Technology to purchase tablet computers to replace the old laptops. This
> is a cost savings approach to putting SCA business on SCA owned property.
> The SCA President asked the VP of Information Technology to review SCA
> websites to determine if the SCA is complying with the Children’s Online
> Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The review is underway.
> The Vice President of Information Technology sends his warmest thanks and
> commendations to Jason Bird, Cliff McMahel, Renee Signorotti, and Dori
> Andrepont for their ongoing critical work (an completion of the portal!)
> on the E-newsletter project. He also commends David Weiner, David Dewbre
> and Marla Lecin for their valuable day to day work to keep our technology
> and associated services running, as as their emergency work and work on
> mission critical projects (E-newsletter project, membership and postal
> rate updates.) Lastly, he commends Adam Zabell of his excellent work on
> the Tablet Computer adoption implementation plan.
> Publishable Summary: Technology in the SCA continues to move forward at a
> good pace. We have completed the E-newsletter portal and are preparing for
> launch. We are still investigating other projects at this time: CRM/ERP
> platform, Tablet Computing and SharePoint platform adoption.
> Society Seneschal
> The Society Seneschal says we have had an increase in the reports of
> members carrying firearms to event sites and fight practices in the United
> States. The Board approved the Seneschal’s request that a review of the
> need for an SCA policy in this area be undertaken. The Board approved a
> request made by Atenvedlt and Artemesia for the transfer of the zip codes
> of 84729, 84741 and 84758 from Atenveldt to Artemesia. These zip codes are
> north of the Grand Canyon, making participation in Atenveldt events
> problematic. The Society Seneschal had no policy interpretations. The
> Society Seneschal requested that the SCA review the procedures for
> approving fireworks displays fire arts displays at SCA events. The Board
> returned this request for further work.
> Commendations made by the Society Seneschal:
> • A special thanks to Scott Burk for all of his hard work as the kingdom
> seneschal of the East Kingdom. Enjoy your break, I know it will not last
> long...you like to work!
> • Thanks Paul Morris, you are finally done! Rest and Relax.
> • Thanks to Peter Hyde for all your work for the Kingdom of Lochac. Enjoy
> your time off.
> • Thanks to Robert Hedstrom Drachenwald. The Kingdom and the Society
> appreciate your work and dedication.
> • Thank you to Rachael Emborg- Artemisia.
> • Tom Pilcher is stepping down in An Tir. Thank you for all your time and
> effort.
> • A special thank you to Jay Ter Louw for his assistance the quarter. Your
> efforts are greatly appreciated and your insight is refreshing.
> • Thanks for your assistance Nadra Dunton. I appreciate your assistance
> and dedication.
> Publishable Summary-
> Happy New Year, have a great one. I have heard that many kingdoms are
> experiencing a decrease in population. I have been urging everyone to
> bring in a new face. I am saying it again, make it one of your resolutions
> for 2012. Try to bring in one new member this year. Use your Chatelaines
> to assist with this, they have the tools available to help show new folks
> the fun we can have. I have one more resolution for everyone, play nice.
> We have groups and people out there who are making our game very negative.
> I have heard from so many people that the reason they do not want to join
> and or continuing playing is the negative behavior and disregard for
> rules. Please remember, your actions are seen by everyone, so act in a
> positive way, it will help us keep members and grow the game. Have a great
> quarter!
> Vice President of the Corporate Office
> The Vice President of the Corporate Office had one request for board
> action. The Board approved the request for the formation of a subsidiary
> corporation for the State of New Hampshire. She had no policy
> interpretations or requests for new policies.
> The Vice President of the Corporate Office thanked every Exchequer, from
> local groups to the kingdoms, for working so diligently with their banks
> to open new bank accounts for the recently formed subsidiaries. She
> recognizes the difficulty of complying with each individual bank’s
> requirements and would like you to know that we appreciate your care and
> service. Every one of the Exchequers did a terrific job completing the
> tasks within a very time tight timeframe. (Renee reported that there were
> about 250 new bank accounts opened this quarter.)
> Publications Manager
> The Board approved the Publications Manager’s request to approve the
> warrants for the SCA Webminister and the Compleat Anachronist Editor. The
> Board also approved her request to issue a call for candidates for the
> positions of the Compleat Anachronist Art Director and the Society
> Webminister.
> The Publications Manager reports that is has been a pleasure to work with
> Charles Anderson, Chris Conner, Jennifer Heise, Marla Lecin, Dar’C O’Neal,
> Stacie Tibbetts, and Gloria Woodward. Finally, for their ongoing efforts,
> thanks are given to Theresa Anderson, John Fulton, Leslie Luther-Fulton,
> Rusty Lloyd and Renee Signorotti.
> The E-Newsletter information has been distributed via Announcements, and
> an updated FAQ is available online. The FAQs on release forms have been
> split into two separate sheets, one for print and one for web. The Best of
> Tournaments Illuminated submission deadline is March 1, 2012 and all are
> encouraged to submit an article recommendation so it may be considered.
> Society Chronicler
> The Society Chronicler requested approval of modification to “Statement
> for Newsletters” in the Chronicler’s Policies to include “This newsletter
> is available online as [http://www.scanewsletters.org/]
> www.scanewsletters.org for current Sustaining and International members.”
> This request was approved.
> The Society Chronicler had no policy interpretations or requests for new
> policies. he Society Chronicler thanked all of the Kingdom Chroniclers,
> Dori Andrepont, Renee Signorotti and John Fulton for support and hard work
> as we prepare to implement electronic Kingdom newsletters. ll Kingdom
> newsletters are running smoothyly. The transition to electronic
> newsletters is underway and the Kingdom Chroniclers are doing a wonderful
> job preparing for the changes.
> Tournaments Illuminated Editor
> The Tournaments Illuminated Editor had no requested board actions, no
> policy interpretations and not requests for new policies. The TI staff has
> performed outstandingly. The editor is particularly indebted this quarter
> to the Review Panel Coordinator, Jennifer Franson/Mistress Fionnabhair
> Kyriat Inghen ui Neill of Caid, Art Director Dori Andrepont/Mistress Doria
> Tecla continues to be invaluable resource. TI Issue 181 is expected to be
> mailed January 6, 2012. Issue 182 is in production.
> Compleat Anachronist Editor
> The Compleat Anachronist Editor requested that warrants for the CA Editor
> and the Art Director be extended. The Board approved the warrant
> extensions. The CA Editor had no policy interpretations or request for new
> policies. The CA Editor commended Joyce Morris and Elise Fleming for
> pulling together the last two issues with great dispatch. She also
> requested that the Board put a call for applicants for the Art Director
> position.
> Society Chronicler
> The Society Chronicler requested approval modification to “Statement for
> Newsletters” in Chroniclers Policies to include “This newsletter is
> available online at [http://www.scanewsletters.org/]
> www.scanewsletters.org for current and sustaining members. The Board
> approved the request. The Society Chronicler had not policy
> interpretations and no requests for new policies. He commended the Kingdom
> Chroniclers, Dori Andrepont, Renee Signorotti and John Fulton for support
> and hard work as we prepare to implement electronic Kingdom newsletters.
> All Kingdom newsletters are running smoothly. The transition to electronic
> newsletters is underway and the Kingdom Chroniclers are doing a wonderful
> job preparing for the changes.
> Society Webminister
> The Society Webminister had no requested board actions, no policy
> interpretations, no requests for new policies and no commendations. The
> overall web presence of the Society continues to change as existing
> technologies are updated. I encourage any and all persons with ideas,
> comments or feedback to reach out to local, regional or kingdom
> Webministers.
> Corporate Treasurer
> The 2012 SCA Corporate budget was approved as amended. Treasurer will
> prepare a monthly budget over the next several months. The SCA has paid
> over $400,000 related to a lawsuit in Pennsylvania. A loss of about
> $200,000 is forecast in unrealized revenues due to a 6% drop in membership
> related to the economy. The Board approved posting the 2010 IRS 990 form
> to the SCA website. The Treasurer had no policy interpretations or
> requests for new policies. Five more subsidiaries have been added – Maine,
> Mississippi, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Gulf Wars. This makes 13
> subsidiaries now.
> Society Exchequer
> The Society Exchequer had no requests for board action, no policy
> interpretations and no requests for new policies. The Society Exchequer
> thanked all the Kingdom Exchequers in the daunting task of completing the
> consolidated domesday reports. With several new exchequers and many
> turnovers with the kingdoms this year, the reporting became challenging.
> Laurel Sovereign of Arms
> The Board returned the previously submitted Rules for Submission for
> further work to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms. He had no policy
> interpretations and no requests for new policies. The Laurel Sovereign of
> Arms had no policy interpretations or requests for new policies. He
> commended Dame Juliana de Luna and The Honorable Lady Alia Marie de Blois
> for their fine work as Palimpsest Herald (past and present). They have
> worked tirelessly on finishing these rules and done wonders.
> Istvan Tanczos has created a new feature on OSCAR. Kingdoms now can use
> OSCAR to comment on their own internal letters of intent. This means that
> any Kingdom may use the online submissions system, online tracking of
> submissions, and all the other features of OSCAR for commentary. As noted
> earlier on several forums, Marie de Blois has taken over as the Laurel’s
> education deputy. This quarter saw the submission to the Board of the
> complete revision of the Rules for Submission.
> Chatelaine
> The Society Chatelaine had no requests for board action and no policy
> interpretations. At the request of the President, the Society Chatelaine
> submitted a draft Social Media policy. The draft was returned for further
> work. The Chatelaine commended Mike Longbow and Ursula D’Arcy of the
> Outlands for takin care of her during her visit to the Outlands. She also
> commended Renee Signorotti for her assistance in providing the conference
> call appartus for the Social Media Policy Committee.
> Society Marshal
> The Society Marshal requested Board action on changes to the Equestrian
> Waiver and changes to signage. The request was referred to the Legal
> Committee since this involves State specific compliance with laws. The
> Society Marshal requested input on a policy in Glenn Abhann requiring
> non-members to send $25 receive an authorization card for equestrian
> activities. The Board referred this to the kingdom to resolve. By
> consensus, the Board approved Lochac’s request for an archery exemption.
> Things are especially quiet and calm this quarter on the marshal front.
> The Kingdom Earl Marshals and Society Deputies are doing an excellent job
> serving the martial participants of the Society. The New Marshals Handbook
> is in final edit and should be available soon. Common sense and good
> judgment will always save the day; use it as often as necessary. This was
> Omarad’s last report as SEM. He was replaced by a fine and great marshal,
> Sir Asoph Hearts. He has Omarad’s full support and the safety and fun of
> the 15,000 marshal participants in the SCA are in fine hands. He thanked
> all his deputies and KEMs who served with diligence and honor and made his
> job easy.
> Thanks to all. Remember, when all else fails, read the Handbook.
> Fight safe, fight often.
> The board thanks Sir Omarad for his service as Society Marshal.
> Chirurgeon
> The Society Chirurgeon had no requested board actions, no policy
> interpretations and no requests for new policies. She commended Ainar,
> Grace and Adne for the time and energy they put into the office. She hopes
> they enjoy a well-deserved rests. We are starting the year with several
> new Kingdom Chirurgeons and the Society Chirurgeon looks forward to
> working with each one. This quarter is calm before the storm; before we
> now it tourney season will be in full swing.
> Arts and Sciences
> The Society Minister of Arts and Sciences had no requests for board
> action, no policy interpretations, new policies, and no commendations. All
> kingdoms reported this quarter. There are a number of bids for Knowne
> World events. This is very exciting. The next Knowne World Bardic Congress
> and Cooks Collegium will be held in the Outlands in April. Known World
> Dance and Music Symposium IX is moving along.
> Grand Council
> The Board of Directors asked the Grand Council to discuss the SCA Census
> results published on the Census web page in October 2011, namely the
> issues of same-sex consorts and peerages for non-rattan-martial arts. The
> Board also asked for suggestions on improving the presentation of the
> Census. This latter request was meant to foster ideas on the outreach of
> the Census survey and the dissemination of the Census results. In
> addition, the Board expressed a desire for the Grand Council to continue
> generating suggestions on improving SCA-communication policies and
> practices.
> The Grand Council discussed the merits and disadvantages of its weighted
> voting system and adopted a simpler voting system as a result. The Council
> also briefly discussed officer structure changes for moderators and
> whether to add a third moderator.
> At the request of the Board of Directors, the Grand Council discussed and
> voted on several motions regarding communications policies and the census
> results on same-sex consorts and non-rattan martial peerages (the misnamed
> "4th peerage" issue). The non-rattan peerage issue did not introduce any
> new ideas compared to the previous Grand Council discussion from first
> quarter of 2009.
> A majority of Grand Council members recommend that the same-sex consort
> issue should be sent to the legal committee for review, especially
> regarding how the issue may be interpreted in countries outside of North
> America. Regarding both Census result topics, the Council feels there is
> no clear path forward apparent in the SCA census results as guidance for
> the SCA Inc. to resolve either of these issues. All of the motions and
> their vote results are reported both below, and discussed in detail in
> section E of this quarter's report, which is posted in the report section
> of grandcouncil.sca.org.
> Legal Committee
> No report
> Executive Session
> A. Michael Alberto (Miguel Alejandro De Las Corrientas) Revocation and
> Denial of Membership
> Motion by Tim Jennings to revoke and deny the membership of Michael
> Alberto (Miguel Alejandro De Las Corrientas) effective immediately.
> Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley,
> Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her
> option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Motion
> carried.
> B. Amy Begnoche (Fia Kareman) Appeal
> Director Kim McAuley recused herself from voting on this issue.
> Motion by Lisa May to uphold the appeal of Amy Begnoche (Fia Kareman) and
> to return the matter of this warrant to the East Kingdom for review.
> Seconded by Tim Jennings. In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise
> Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May. Recused: Kim McAuley. Chairman Leslie
> Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
> Opposed: None. Motion carried.
> By consensus, Chairman Leslie Vaughn directed the Society President to
> reprimand the Society Chirurgeon for failing to follow Corpora in this
> matter, and further to review with the Society Chirurgeon the proper
> procedure to be followed for the removal of warrants.
> C. R & D Request for Katie & Matthew Richardson
> Chairman Leslie Vaughn recused herself from this issue. In doing so, she
> passed the gavel to Vice Chairman Mark Faulcon. In addition, Director John
> Fulton also recused himself from voting on this issue.
> 1 Katie Richardson (Katerina O’Callaghan)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Katie Richardson (Katerina O’Callaghan).
> Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May,
> Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and
> did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie
> Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Katie Richardson (Katerina O’Callaghan)
> from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
> list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
> Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
> Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
> Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 2. Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann) McAlpine).
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann)
> McAlpine). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings,
> Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option
> to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
> Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Matthew Richardson (Mathghamhain (Mann)
> McAlpine) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
> Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
> favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
> Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
> the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
> carried.
> 3. Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da Lysharet)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da
> Lysharet). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings,
> Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option
> to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
> Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Sandra Bonds McDaniel (Alianora da
> Lysharet) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
> Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
> favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
> Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
> the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
> carried.
> 4. Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain Cameron)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain
> Cameron). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings,
> Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option
> to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
> Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Christopher Kurtz (Kristoff McLain
> Cameron) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
> Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
> favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
> Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
> the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion
> carried.
> 5. Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni). Seconded by
> Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley.
> Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in
> favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn.
> Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Susan Holt (Hrefna Karsefni) from
> holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
> within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
> Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
> exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
> None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 6. Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van Kester)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van Kester).
> Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May,
> Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and
> did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie
> Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Malinda Terry (Malinda Hohen van Kester)
> from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
> list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
> Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
> Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
> Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 8. Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead). Seconded by
> Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley.
> Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in
> favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn.
> Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Rick Cook (Richard Ironstead) from
> holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
> within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
> Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
> exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
> None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 9. Robert Valencia (Raffaele de Mallorca)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Robert Valencia (Raffaele de Mallorca).
> Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May,
> Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and
> did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie
> Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Robert Valencia (Raffaele de Mallorca)
> from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown
> list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor:
> Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark
> Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.
> Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 10. Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possibleRevocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath).
> Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May,
> Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and
> did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie
> Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Ritchyrd Handley (Ritchyrd McUath) from
> holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a Crown list,
> within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise
> Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon
> exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed:
> None. Recused: John Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> 11. Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate Hall)
> Motion by Kim McAuley to direct the Society Seneschal to begin an
> investigation into a possible Revocation and Denial of Membership and/or
> degradation from the peerage of Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate
> Hall). Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa
> May, Kim McAuley. Acting Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to
> vote and did so in favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Recused: John
> Fulton, Leslie Vaughn. Motion carried.
> Motion by Kim McAuley to prohibit Catherine Rogers Cook (Katherine of Cate
> Hall) from holding any offices, fighting in, or being fought for, in a
> Crown list, within the SCA until July 31, 2012. Seconded by Lisa May. In
> favor: Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley. Acting
> Chairman Mark Faulcon exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
> the motion. Opposed: None.
> The Board of Directors emphases that the use of SCA rank or title to
> harass or intimidate within the context of the Society will not be
> tolerated. With this in mind, the Board of Directors directs the President
> to draft a comprehensive set of policies to address physical and emotional
> bullying, harassment and abuse of power for their consideration.
> At this time Acting Chairman Faulcon returned the gavel to Chairman
> Vaughn.
> D. Michael McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) Exile from the Realm
> Motion by Mark Faulcon to uphold the exile from the Realm of Michael
> McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) by Marc and Patricia, King and Queen of
> the West Kingdom on August 27, 2011. Seconded by Kim McAuley. In favor:
> Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim
> McAuley. Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in
> favor of the motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
> Motion by Mark Faulcon to uphold the exile from the Realm of Michael
> McPartland (Faelaen uah Eogain) by Rolf and Aurora, King and Queen of the
> West Kingdom on August 27, 2011. Seconded by Lisa May. In favor: Mark
> Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Kim McAuley.
> Chairman Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of
> the motion. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
> F. Legal Update
> Report filed.
> G. Director Selection
> By consensus, Chairman Vaughn ordered that no action be taken.
> H. Director Confirmation
> By consensus, Chairman Vaughn stated that there was no action to be taken
> at this time.
> I. Ombudsman Assignments
> By consensus, Chairman Vaughn stated that there was no action to be taken
> at this time.
> Have fun. Make our game fun for everyone, every day!
> Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
> SCA Inc.
> Box 360789
> Milpitas, CA 95036
> You may also email comments at lists.sca.org.
> This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for
> Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this
> announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic
> mailing lists.
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